How Can I Boost My Self Confidence? Find Answers In This BEST Guide

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Self-confidence can help you achieve your goals and build strong relationships. On the other hand, lack of self-confidence can have a negative impact on your personal and experienced development. Fortunately, there are actions you can take to build up a long-lasting self-confidence. Learn about the 10 confidence building steps you can take in your personal and experienced life.

Self-confidence is a key component of success and a successful career, it’s also very useful in everyday life. Self-confidence and your abilities let you make visions and achieve interesting and impressive goals.

When you have a powerful self-confidence in yourself, other people you have contact with feel it. Self-confidence emanates from you and makes people eagerly establish relationships with you and sense your strength. Unfortunately, it also works in the other direction. Lack of self-confidence is also visible and can cause you to be ignored and your value questioned.

If you don’t consider yourself a self-confident person, don’t lose hope. Although a specific amount of self-confidence is innate, it’s also a skill you can learn with the right attitude and effort. You must take into consideration the indisputable fact that you won’t build self-confidence from day to day, it’s a longer process. However, with the right commitment on your part, you can achieve this.

How Can I Boost My Self Confidence? Here Are Some Tips:

1. Identify where you are and where you want to be

To start building confidence in yourself, you first need to determine where you are now and where you want to go. Let’s start by defining where you are now. When you look at your current life, consider what you have achieved so far, what is your personal and experienced status, what are your duties, remuneration, passions, etc.? First of all, you must take responsibility for your current position.

Don’t look for excuses for the situation you are in right now. Don’t blame anyone, parents, boss, bad karma and bad luck. You are where you are because you have made certain decisions in your life. If you want to build confidence in yourself, you need to start with yourself. Only then will you be capable to move forward and prepare yourself mentally for the future you want to create.

Once you have accepted your current situation, activate your imagination and begin imagining who you want to be and what you want to accomplish in the next 5 years.

Why 5 years? It is a somewhat short period of time for your mind to imagine what can occur, and at the same time long enough for you to be capable to change your life for the better with the suitable commitment and action.

Think about your future positively. What will this new You be like? What will he do in his life? What habits will he have and how will he behave? What kind of work will he do? What will he earn? Who will he be?

The picture of the future should be as accurate and concrete as possible. Often people who are underconfident focus too much on negative thinking, so your vision should focus on positive aspects.

Once your vision begins to take shape, you need to capture it so it doesn’t escape. Take something to write on and write down all that has created your mind. Recording this vision is extremely important and will let you come back to it later. This is the fundamental thing you need to do on your way to confidence building.

So take responsibility for your current situation. Get rid of negative thinking and replace it with positive thinking. Define and write down the target state and the future you want to accomplish.

2. Accept the past

The next step in building self-confidence is to come to terms with your past. The self-confidence of every of us is to some extent influenced by the events of the past. Again, as in the case of writing a vision, take something to write, you can even use a computer and consider and record what events from the past, people, places, events may have affected your current level of self-confidence.

Think about how these events happened? Could they’ve been avoided? What did you learn from them? Then ask yourself a very important question: After all these years, do this stuff have any meaning at all? Sometimes you may think they do, but think again, is this really the case? Often, however, after a long reflection, it turns out that they’re not as important as you thought they were at the start.

Then select from this list at least one event from the past that has affected your confidence and tell someone you mean and trust about it. This public opening to another person will let you be more confident and deal with the past.

When you do this, you’ll record the events of the past that may have made your confidence weaker, and additionally you’ll share this information with another person near you, allowing you to cut yourself off from the past and focus on what is ahead of you.

3. Help others

Now that you have focused your mind on increasing your self-confidence, before you focus on yourself, focus on others. Every day many people need help and support. There are also many charity events. The best start to increase your self-confidence is to start by helping others (1).

By helping others, e.g. by engaging as a volunteer, you make the people you help appreciate it. You do good and at the same time you build your confidence. The people you help need to move from place A to place B in their lives. Like you, you also want to move from low self-confidence to high self-confidence. Helping others and volunteering can help you.

4. Set achievable goals and reward your progress

It’s time to start working on your behavior. First of all, focus on achieving small victories. I know you have a 5-year vision in your head, but you need to start with something.

We will assume that your long-term goal is to run a marathon. You have been running for several months and have encountered a 10 km border. You simply can’t run more than that distance. In this situation, don’t look for an answer as to how to run the entire marathon, ask yourself what I can do to run more than those 10 km. What can you change in your training, diet, regeneration to take a step forward? How can you run e.g. 11 km? Think in terms of real, achievable, incremental goals that you can in fact achieve.

When you manage to make progress, celebrate this small success. Give yourself a small reward for each step forward on your way to the goal. It can be a good lunch in the city or something else you enjoy. You deserve it. That’s what it’s all about to juxtapose a small victory on the way to the goal with a small reward.

Build your self-confidence by taking on small challenges, something that used to be difficult for you, and reward yourself if you succeed. Do it for a few months. When you feel comfy with these small, measurable results, you’ll be ready for the next step on the road to greater confidence.

5. Remove negative attitude

Now that you have started to make progress in behaviour, it’s time to get rid of negative attitudes in your life for good. Each of us experiences negative situations and negative people, but you can decide to get rid of them as much as possible. Take something to write again and consider what happened last year, which was a really negative event.

Sometimes it was your own behaviour that caused these negative events. It could even be a situation, a task, a project, a person or lots of people.

Be honest with yourself, write down what it was. These are now goals that need to be removed or at least partially removed from your life. On your way to greater self-confidence you need to articulate, identify and remove all the factors that cause negative thinking.

Ask yourself how I can avoid similar situations and folks in the coming months. Try to reduce the time you spend doing these tasks or staying with these people, and your mental state will thank you for that.

After this mental exercise, ask yourself the opposite question: what has made me happy, excited and engaged over the past year? What were the events and tasks I was with then? When you identify them, ask yourself what I can do to make these situations and these people more relevant.

This is your goal – to identify and remove as many negative catalysts as possible, and at the same time to identify and bring closer together all the positive thinking stimulants you have. When you do this, you’ll significantly increase your self-confidence.

6. Visualize success

If you want to achieve success you need to be capable to see yourself as someone who has been successful. You need to learn to visualise success. Research shows that successful people spend their time thinking about the target state they want to accomplish.

It’s like a movie you need to recreate in your mind. This film has to be detailed, you must paint a picture in front of you and you nearly feel this state when you achieve success.

You can have a business goal, you want to be promoted. Imagine sitting in an elegant office, having a business card with a new position, performing important tasks, enjoying the respect of your co-workers, etc., etc. The more details your vision will have, the better.

Spend a couple of minutes on such visualizations during the day (2). When you’re able to see clearly and coherently the future state in which you want to find yourself, you’ll be ready to really achieve it.

7. Prepare to fail

You may be surprised by this step when we are talking about self-confidence building. But the next step you need to take is to prepare for failure.

Almost everybody who pursues a very important goal encounters diverse obstacles and failures. Often nobody expects these events and we are surprised by them. And when we aren’t ready for them, these obstacles and failures hurt us more.

So prepare yourself for the difficulties. When it comes to recognize that you’re facing an obstacle, fatal catastrophes are less frequent. Write down what happened and talk to at least one person about it. Consider what lessons you can learn from this failure.

Then take a deep breath and move forward. Know that improving yourself, building confidence, achieving goals is a process that’s burdened with mistakes and failures.

You want as many things as possible to be positive in the end. It’s like a stock market chart – we have increases and reduces, sometimes it’s a bust and sometimes a rally. So be ready for failure, remember that it exists, don’t be surprised. And when it occurs, admit it, master it, consider it, write and speak about it and then start again on your way to the top.

8. Evaluate your progress

At this stage, it’s time to stop and assess your progress. You have done lots of things and need to evaluate and critically look at what you have done. The goal was to provide you with more and more comfort and confidence through gradual improvements, now it’s time to sit down, look back at the steps you’ve taken and assess what progress you’ve made.

Ask yourself if my daily self-confidence level is higher than when I started the process. If the answer is “No”, I have made some progress, but not too much, don’t worry about it. Permanent change takes time. Remember that self-confidence building is a long process and you need to repeat the steps described so far to see measurable results.

Repeat this cycle until you feel comfy making incremental progress. You like it and you see the point in it. You do it consistently. When you are at this point, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.

9. Speed up the process

At this point, you have already done lots of work and made lots of progress. Your self-confidence should be much higher. This means that you’re ready for the next step. It’s time to speed up the process.

What you should do now is replace small goals and small successes with more ambitious and greater goals. Return to your 5-year plan. Think about 3 or 4 key goals that will allow you to accomplish your plan.

Keep in mind the need to avoid negativity in your life. Remember, with larger goals, there may be more toxic people around you who want to turn you back from your path to success.

As with smaller goals, visualize what it means to accomplish these 3 or 4 key goals. Watch this video, which ends in a place where you achieve what you have set yourself. Soon, once you start following this advice, you won’t make much progress. You will be taking significant steps forward.

10. Reward yourself

The last step to remember is to celebrate. At this point you have already done an intensive job, made progress, built up confidence. You have achieved big goals and deserve a reward that’s commensurate with your achievements.

So if one of your goals was promotion at work, maybe the reward will be an interesting journey around the globe or a car. Giving yourself a reward is much more powerful than when you receive it from someone. You speak to yourself in the same way, I have achieved it, I deserve it.

This is the last step in the process of building self-confidence. To really set goals, to be intrepid to follow them, to accomplish them and to tell yourself that I have done it and that I’m worth receiving the reward. Then you have a clear, strong self-confidence.

Here’s a complete easy model to help you build confidence. Remember, it’s hard work and takes time. It’s a process, don’t expect you to undergo it once and a miracle will occur. Sometimes you’ll have to undergo it many times.

Sometimes it is less complicated when someone accompanies us in the process. If you can involve a person near you. If you both get entangled in this process, the chances of increasing your self-confidence will be even greater. Good luck!

And what ways do you must strengthen your self-confidence? Please share your opinion.