How To Answer Why Do You Love Me Question: 15 Best Answers

If you have ever wondered how to answer the question why you love me: this article is for you.
In fact, it’s difficult to say ‘Three Words, Eight Letters’ directly to your beloved one because one is afraid that the relationship will change. This is one of several dilemmas to utter those words.
Others, they can easily articulate it but there are people who hardly ever say it because they mean to say it sincerely to the person they really love.
What if someone asks otherwise? Like, “Why do you love me?” This one added to the dilemma. Listed below are 15 perfect answers to the question why do you love me.
How to Answer Why Do You Love Me Questions:
1. Because of the way you make me smile.
Smiling gives embarrassment to anyone even after a small quarrel between lovers. Smiling conveys intensity of feelings and greatly influences their behavior.
2. Because of the way you encourage me.
Having someone you love as inspiration influences how you see yourself and how you carry yourself.
3. I feel protected when I’m with you.
The feeling of being owned by someone and having nobody dare to get in your way is a good thing but do not go beyond possessiveness which will make your partner feel constrained.
4. Because of the way we are together, there isn’t any pretense.
When you spend time with your partner (1), nothing holds back. It’s as if you know one another thoroughly and accept the proven fact that you are both allowed to make mistakes and must learn on your own. Be honest every time a mistake is made to fix what is broken.
5. Because of the way you find a way to impress me.
Being with your partner does not imply you must stop doing things for them simply because you have already got one another. Never stop impressing and doing surprising things. No one wants to be taken for granted or worse, suffer from boredom and begin a split.
6. Because of how sincere you are.
Sincerity is the key to making a relationship last longer. It serves as a foundation on which to build and gain the trust of your partner.
7. Because I feel my worst and happiest moments when I’m with you.
It does not matter how bad the humiliation was or how contented you are if you experience satisfaction. What’s more important is that you can share it with your partner and still be happy and content with what you have.
8. Because you easily forgive me.
Mistakes and mistakes are made but no doubt forgive and then, forget.
9. Because you are like a friend to me.
Your partner is your best friend, the best! You haven’t got to start over and you know that you’re going to treat one another well. Having your partner as your best friend means you have someone to talk to, lean on and depend upon.
10. Because you understand me as I’m.
In a relationship, there are all the time differences. After all, he’s he and she is him and everything else that has to do with being a boy and a girl. It’s just the nature of being human.
Of course, there are differences, but make way for recognizing all your partner’s behaviors, needs, moods, attitudes, and feelings that make the relationship drag on and on.
11. Because I feel needed.
Ever heard the expressions, “I love you because I need you” and “I need you because I love you.” That explains it. Everyone wants to feel needed.
12. Because you respect me.
Respect does not just come in the form of manners but also in the way you carry yourself. In the way you dress, the way you act or the tone of voice. Seems to adore your partner (1) in a way that expresses admiration.
13. Because I want to share my life with you.
Growing and developing with your partner is the most rewarding thing because you get the chance of a lifetime, and that’s to spend your life with the one you love.
14. Because you help me develop for myself.
Relationships are taken to the next level when you experience the proven fact that you are both experiencing personality development to some degree of acceptance.
15. Because you put others before yourself.
How humble it’s when people see your partner as humble. Someone who knows how to be superior and inferior both times well, that’s the total package.
Thank you for reading this article on how to respond to the question why you love me and I actually hope you take action on my advice.
I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.