How To Be Smart Student In School: The Definitive Guide

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In today’s article you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to be the smartest student at school.

Being successful at school is not at all times easy, irrespective of one’s intelligence. It requires quite a lot of effort and dedication.

However, by adopting effective study habits and employing helpful strategies from the start of the school year, one can become a bright and academically accomplished student.

How To Be A Smart Student At School:

1. To stay on top of your schoolwork, it is vital to organize your materials.

This includes everything from your folders and binders to your paper and class supplies. Whether you start organizing two weeks before school starts or two weeks before it ends, staying organized will make your work easier to get done. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Purchase binders for each class and use the inside covers to store the syllabus.
  • Organize your homework and class materials chronologically, if possible.
  • Make sure you have all the required materials, such as markers and scissors, for each class, and keep them organized.
  • To save time and keep your locker looking tidy, get rid of unnecessary paper and supplies.

2. Creating a dedicated study space can help you stay focused and improve your retention of information.

The idea is that by associating a certain place with studying, your mind will automatically switch to study mode when you’re in that location. This is known as context-dependent memory, which is when your memory finds it easier to remember information at the place where it was learned.

Plus, having multiple study spaces can help build more connections in your brain and make it easier to remember the facts you learn. Examples of various study spaces could be at home, in the library, or at a friend’s house.

3. To advance in your studies, it’s best to get your textbooks as early as possible.

Many teachers provide a list of required books for the upcoming school year at the start of the school year or even before it starts. Once you have the list, ensure you get textbooks as soon as possible. Then, take some time to familiarize yourself with the layout and content of every book.

Start reading the first chapter, even if not assigned, as early as possible. If your teacher does not offer you a list of books, do not hesitate to ask. It shows strong initiative and interest in class, which may make you a favourite amongst teachers.

4. As well as getting the textbooks you need, it’s also a good idea to ask about any additional reading that may be available.

Your teacher may have additional books that they did not include on the official list, but that they still find useful to read. These books can provide additional insight and understanding of the subject you are studying, supplying you with a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

This applies to all subjects, whether it’s mathematics, history or art. There is at all times more information to be gleaned through additional reading.

5. Communicate with your teacher to understand what they expect of you in their class.

Start a conversation with them to find out what they focus on such as participation, originality, reading etc and what will make it easier for them to succeed in their class. Also ask about additional credit, group work and writing assignments in class. This will help you understand expectations and how you can meet them.

Plus, it builds a positive relationship with your teacher from the start, which can be beneficial in terms of grading. When you are near getting an A and your teacher knows you are a dedicated student, they may offer you the benefit of the doubt and bump you up to an A.

6. Make note-taking more interesting and memorable by focusing on important information and making it fun.

Instead of writing down every word the teacher says, choose key points to make them more manageable and interesting. Some ways to do this include turning sentences into charts or pictures, using mnemonics to help remember information, and using highlighters to add color to your notes.

Additionally, consider developing a color-coding system to help you quickly find information in your notes.

7. Prepare by completing the assigned reading the night before class.

Avoid the common mistakes of not reading at all or skimming in class. By reading before class, you’ll have a better understanding of the material and have the ability to take part more effectively in class discussions.

If you are not sure what reading to assign, look up the syllabus for a list of homework and readings and when they will be covered.

8. Don’t put off your homework, it’s a very important part of your education.

In order to fully understand and excel in your task, it’s best to complete it thoroughly and on time. Instead of waiting until the last minute, set aside time in the evening to complete your homework.

This will let you enjoy your leisure time without the added stress of unfinished tasks. Also, if you have a longer assignment, break it down into smaller tasks and work on them a little at a time each day so you do not feel overwhelmed.

9. Attend all of your classes and stay engaged while there.

Many teachers give participation points just for being present in class. Even if you do not know the answer to a question, put your hand up and provide it a try. Your teacher will appreciate your efforts.

Plus, by being aware in class, you will avoid being caught off guard if a teacher calls you and you are not ready. This will save you from embarrassment.

10. Set clear goals for yourself.

Having a target to strive for is essential to stay motivated.

Identify specific, achievable goals that will propel you to success. Whether it is getting straight A’s, dedicating an hour each night to studying, or reading a set number of pages per week, ensure it is realistic and achievable.

Communicate your goals to your parents and discuss ways in which they can support or reward you for achieving them. This can be an amazing source of motivation, and can help keep you on course.

11. Consider finding a tutor if you’re struggling in a particular subject.

Tutors can provide additional help and support to help you achieve better grades and stay focused. You can talk to your teacher, counselor or parents about finding a tutor who can help you.

In addition, some older students may be willing to tutor you for school credit or for free. If you have older siblings or parents who are knowledgeable in a particular subject, you can even ask them for help, so long as they do not bother you and can in fact help you with your work.

12. Consider forming a study group with some classmates.

Research has shown that working with a group of 2-3 people can produce better test results than studying alone (1). Choose a friend who is devoted and serious in his studies.

Plan ahead, assign roles, and create a schedule for your study sessions. Bring snacks to make it more enjoyable.

If you have an exam coming up, quiz one another and make it a fun competition by awarding points for proper answers. The person with the most points can finally choose a movie to watch afterwards.

13. Start your preparations well in advance.

Whether it is a test or a big assignment, putting it off until the last minute can be very stressful. It’s best to start working on it a few weeks before the due date to ensure you have enough time in case something unforeseen happens. Better to be safe than sorry!

In the case of exams, it can be more effective to study a little each day the week or so before the exam, rather than cram all the information in the day or two before the exam.

Studying every day helps your brain remember information better, making connections stronger and more reliable. Taking 20 minutes each night to study each subject is more efficient than sitting for three hours and trying to cram all the information in without delay.

14. Inquire about additional opportunities for credit.

Certain instructors have opportunities for students to earn additional points by completing additional work. If you are searching for a slight increase in grades, consider discussing the likelihood of additional credit with your teacher. It never hurts to ask!

Also, in some cases, this additional credit may only be added to your final score for the year. This is also an amazing option. Overall, additional credit can be a lucrative opportunity to increase your score.

15. Avoid cramming at all costs.

Research has shown that cramming a test can in fact lead to lower scores. This is because your brain cannot function properly when it does not get enough rest.

Instead of staying up all night to study, it is better to get enough sleep (7-9 hours) then study in the morning, if necessary. It’s important to take care of yourself as a student, not just your studies. Eating a nutritious breakfast can even increase your brain power and increase your grades.

16. Take breaks while studying for a big test or trying to learn something new.

Our brains can become overwhelmed if we do not rest and provide them an opportunity to rest. Taking short breaks every hour can in fact improve your attention and memory.

Also, during breaks, you can snack on foods that are known to improve brain function such as blueberries, nuts, broccoli, and dark chocolate. It can even help increase your energy level if you feel tired.

17. Make sure you at all times carry study materials with you, even when you’re traveling.

Those little spare moments, like waiting for the bus or before class, can be used for studying. Save the flash card (2) or other materials with you means you can take advantage of this opportunity and make the most of your time.

It’s also a good idea to study with a friend, as you can ask one another questions and solidify the information in your minds.

18. Give back to your community by volunteering in your free time.

Not only will that make you a well-rounded student, it will also make you a more attractive candidate for colleges and employers.

There are many opportunities to volunteer in hospitals, nursing homes, shelters for homeless, abused women and youngsters, animal shelters and soup kitchens. You can even consider volunteering at local churches.

19. Get involved in extracurricular activities such as athletics, drama, music or the arts.

Being broad-minded and participating in a wide range of activities demonstrates to both colleges and employers that you’re able to balance multiple commitments and excel in multiple fields. It’s important to note that you do not have to be the best at this activity, it is more about participating and trying new things.

If you excel at one activity, try branching out and trying something new. This not only shows your versatility, but also gives you the opportunity to explore different interests.

20. Get involved in groups or organizations that match your interests.

Joining a club or group at school that focuses on something you are passionate about can show your active involvement in the school community and show your interest. Additionally, these groups often provide opportunities for leadership roles, which can impress prospective colleges and employers.

21. If you want to show that you have a wide range of interests and skills, it is crucial to take a wide range of classes.

Not only does it make you a well-rounded student, but it also prevents you from burning out by taking too many classes in the same subject. In addition to core classes like English and math, try to include some of the more interesting classes like history or robotics, in addition to some of the more fun classes like cooking or carpentry.

Some schools have partnership programs where you can take classes at another school or community college, which can even be great opportunities to learn new subjects and potentially even earn college credit while still in highschool.

22. If your school is missing in certain activities, do not wait for somebody else to start them, take the initiative and begin it yourself.

Talk to your school’s principal about starting a new group or club that fits your interests and fills any gaps in your school’s extracurricular offerings. Starting your own organization is an amazing way to stand out and showcase your initiative and leadership skills.

Some ideas could be starting a schoolwide recycling program, a club for chess players, or writers, or groups focused on LGTBAU, pre-SAT/ACT studies, or technology.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article on how to be a smart student at school. I actually hope that its content has been of good help to you. +