How To Boost Your Memory Fast: Here Are 13 (Effortless) Strategies

Today you’ll find out how to quickly improve memory.
Now is the time to learn easy ways to remember things, particularly with regards to your studies.
In this text, we will discuss ways to improve your memory that you’ll find so easy and interesting that you’ll get right down to business.
How to Improve Your Memory Quickly:
Some of the ways to improve your memory are listed below:
1. Attention:
Focus all of your attention on the material you are studying.
Keep in mind your ability to pay attention is among the major components of memory that helps you retain useful information when you need it.
In order for you to move your valuable information from short-term memory to long-term memory, you need to pay attention to the information that’s being presented to you.
2. Eliminate all distractions:
When you are learning to memorize something, try to do it in a place that’s free from all distractions such as television, music, and other entertainment.
Keep in mind that by removing distractions, you’ll be capable to concentrate. Getting rid of all distractions can be difficult at first, particularly if you are surrounded by things you cannot let go of; stuff that proves to be addicting and enthralling, like TV series for example.
But try doing this: set aside a brief period of time alone. Within that timeframe, ask your roommates or family to provide you with space.
If you have kids, ask your partner to take the children out for an hour to the park or to an ice cream parlour, so you can focus on your work.
3. Set regular study sessions for yourself:
Bjork (2001) is reported to have concluded that studying the material over several sessions will provide you with the time you need to process all the important information you need to call yourself a master of your topic.
Keep in mind that this is a way used by colleges and schools all over the world.
Research has shown that students who study regularly remember material far better than students who do all their studies in one marathon session before an exam.
4. Organize and organize the information you learn:
We have covered some of these techniques in previous chapters and by now you should understand them, but let me refresh them in your mind so you can really benefit from them.
Researchers have found that information is organized in memory in related groups. Organize and organize all the material you study. Try grouping related concepts and terms together.
Your memory is made up of the intricate neural connections in your brain and like a computer hard drive, the complex neural connections in your brain are believed by experts to have the ability to store millions of data.
Our brain has the ability to encode and interpret complex stimuli such as images, colours, structures, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, positions, emotions, and language, etc.
We use this evolution of our brains to create sophisticated models of the world we live in so that we can understand it better.
Our memory stores all the facts and data in our minds very effectively. And they’re continually adding new information as I said in my metaphor of the mind as a computer.
5. Use the mnemonic system to memorize:
We’ve covered this: Mnemonics are essentially just another word for a memory tool.
Mnemonics are techniques for remembering information and facts that would otherwise be quite difficult to remember: An example is the rhyme ’30 days in September’ to remember the number of days in each calendar month.
The main idea behind using mnemonics is to be capable to encode information that is difficult to remember, information in a way that is less complicated to remember.
6. Formulate and train
In order to remember all the information you need, you need to code and encode everything you learn into long-term memory.
The way to do this is association. Association is a method in which you connect things by joining images together, or wrapping them around one another, spinning them around one another or metaphorically making them dance together as if they were in love.
You can even associate objects by giving them an identical color, smell, shape, or emotion. When you get used to this process, you’ll notice, after a few times, remembering information is much easier.
7. Visualize the concept
Use images that are positive and fun to remember. Keep in mind that your brain, in order to protect you, often blocks nasty images from your memory.
Use images that are lively, colourful and full of meaning because lovely images are easier to remember than boring ones.
You use all your senses to code information or to dress up images. Keep in mind that not only do you must associate information with pictures but you can even use any of your five senses.
Keep in mind that your mnemonics can include sounds, smells, tastes, touches, movements, and feelings and emotions.
Give your image three dimensions. Give them life; let them have movement and space to make it livelier. You can use gestures either to keep the association flowing, or to help yourself remember the action and associate it with what you want to remember.
Another way is to exaggerate the size of a significant part of the image in your brain. Make important Pentagon matters matter.
8. Connect new information with things you already know
As you study unfamiliar and new material, take time to consider how the new information relates to things you already know.
For example if I know that Tom is a boy and a few days later you find out he’s nine years old.
You can add both information together and by building connections between the new information and pre-existing memories about it, you can dramatically increase the likelihood of remembering the newly learned information.
We discussed earlier that memorization and data storage work by loading images, sounds, tastes, smells and sensations in highly ordered and significant combinations in our brains.
Your brain can create, program, remember and reload all files, storing data in a really systematic order. There are separate files for everything you know.
There’s a hypothetically separate file for everybody you know. Information is added to your brain files continually and systematically.
9. Teach new concepts to others
Research conducted by experts shows that loud reading materials (1) significantly improves memory retention of certain materials.
Educators and psychologists also agree with the finding that having students not only read aloud but in fact teaching new concepts to other students increases their comprehension and recall of the subject in question.
You can use this approach in your own study sessions. You can learn all you want to learn, all you must learn by teaching all the new concepts and data to others.
All you must do is locate yourself a friend or study partner you want to teach them. You can even take turns teaching one another and both will learn.
10. Pay extra attention to the things that cannot be remembered
If you care about your learning abilities, you have no doubt noticed how easy it’s to remember information at the start of a chapter and at the end of a chapter.
Experts have found that the order in which information is obtained can play a crucial role in remembering and retaining that information. This is also known as the serial position effect.
While remembering all the information in the middle can be difficult and somewhat challenging, you can easily overcome this problem by spending time and focusing on the information you cannot remember.
And it does not stop there, take the techniques we have learned before and put them to use here.
The strategy here is to recast what you can already retain so it is easier to remember.
My point is, if you can only remember beginnings, start with what you can’t learn and mark them as your beginnings. So the next time you come across an especially difficult concept, make it imperative to devote some extra time to memorizing that information.
11. Bring variety into your study routine
You can improve information retention by changing your study routine regularly (2); if you’re used to studying in one location or at one particular time, try moving to a totally different place for your next study session.
For example, when you study in the living room, try studying in the toilet; You will not be capable to forget the chapter you studied on the toilet. It will have a special meaning in your life afterwards.
If you are studying in the afternoon or morning, try changing the times and if that’s difficult, try taking a couple of minutes each morning to review the information you studied the night before or try revising every night before going to bed.
And therefore when you add a component of uniqueness to your study sessions, you can increase the effectiveness of your efforts to retain important information and therefore significantly improve your overall long-term memory.
12. Sleep
Believe it or not, researchers have known for a long time that sleep is important not only for physical health but for memory, learning, and all other cognitive barriers.
It’s important to note here that some recent studies have shown that taking a nap right after you have learned something new can in fact work wonders for you.
Just taking a nap can work wonders for you; it can help you learn faster and remember better.
It would be interesting to know that one study in fact found that going to sleep right after learning something new and adding new information to your brain caused actual physical changes in your brain.
It was found that the sleep-deprived mice used in the experiment in fact experienced less dendritic growth following the learning task, compared to the well-rested mice.
So take these findings very seriously and the next time you are struggling to learn new information, put away your book and go to bed and think about getting a good night’s sleep.
And never underestimate the power of being recharged.
13. Adding more learning resources
You must bear in mind of your learning abilities that if you read a whole page, you are only likely to remember certain facts from that page.
What if I told you that you could increase the facts you’ll remember just by adding more resources to your learning.
For example, if you’re learning about long-term memory, you may not remember reading a single definition on a website, but if you read about long-term memory from all available sources, you’ll remember so much more.
So next time, do not just read from one book, read about the same topic online, in journals, in all the books available to you and if you’re really committed, try going to the library and reading about the subject of your choice. .
When you are done, discuss it with people. You will notice a big change in the number of facts your brain stores about the subject you choose.