How To Enjoy Life More Like Never Before: Here Are 30+ Awesome Tips

how to use positive affirmations correctly

If you’re trying to find some strategies on how to enjoy life more, then you’ll love this article. So, let’s begin!

How to enjoy life more:

1. Keep Calm, Relax, and Practice Mindfulness

Many of us are operating on an auto-pilot. We are barely awake and we don’t experience the beauty of the present moment. We just float through life not knowing where our time went.

If you want to live a happier life, you must learn to enjoy the present moment. You must savor the little pleasures of life and you can do this by practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness is solely the state of being fully aware of the present moment. Practicing mindfulness will help you enjoy life more. It will help you appreciate things that you normally take for granted, like your breath or your steps. Practicing mindfulness will help reduce anxiety and depression because it lets you focus on the present moment.

You don’t have to dwell on past regrets or focus on your worries about what the future will bring. Mindfulness will help you enjoy life more because you’ll be less disturbed by nasty experiences. Mindfulness will also help you achieve emotional balance. It will also help increase your self-awareness. It helps you achieve peace of mind. It helps you become more connected with the world.

Here are some of the powerful ways that you can enjoy life by practicing mindfulness in your everyday life:

Learn to stop and enjoy the moment.

  • To truly live a more fulfilling life, you must learn to just stop and enjoy the moment.
  • Take time to enjoy the sound of laughing kids.
  • Savor the happiness of receiving a text message, e-mail, tweet, or any form of communication from someone you love.
  • Heighten your senses and enjoy the pleasure of kissing and touching your lover.
  • Become fully engaged when you’re hugging or kissing someone near you.
  • Enjoy each dawn and every sunset.

Enjoy your food.

If you get to eat good food every day, you are one lucky person. So, it is necessary to enjoy and savor the taste of your food. It will help you feel happier and more alive.

  • Eat like a food critic. When you are eating, take time to savor your food. Take time to taste each ingredient – enjoy the subtle mixing of flavors.
  • Do not eat while watching TV. Many people eat while watching TV or while working. If you want to enjoy your food more, you must avoid eating in the living room or in your workplace.
  • Take time to enjoy the appearance of your food. Many people take pictures of their meals and post it on Instagram without really enjoying the appearance of the food. Before eating, take time to appreciate the appearance of your meal. Enjoy the colors and the garnish of the tasty treats that you’re about to devour.

Learn to pay special attention to your thoughts.

Many people don’t enjoy life just because they were living in the past or the future. To avoid this, you must pay attention to their thoughts. You must learn to control your thoughts.

When you catch yourself thinking about your problems or your worries, stop and redirect your thoughts to something positive. You get to enjoy life more if you think positively.

Take a step back.

If you are feeling stressed, learn to take a step back and just relax. When you feel tired or upset, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and count from one to ten. If your work is starting to bother you, get up and take a brief walk around the office building.

If you want to enjoy life more, you must find out how to enjoy life more and just live in the present moment. Avoid working too hard to the point of extreme exhaustion. It will lead to unhappiness, anxiety, and even depression.

Look at variety as a chance.

Bad things occur to us from time to time, the earlier you move on from a problem or hurtful circumstance, the better. Remember that each problem is a chance to learn and become a stronger and wiser person.

Every problem is a blessing in disguise. So, learn to let go of your mistakes and failures and use the lessons that you have learned from these mistakes to build a happier and more fulfilling life.

Remember that life is short. You must live in the present and learn to appreciate the easy pleasures of life.

2. Fill Your Days with Simple Pleasures

One of the most powerful ways to enjoy life is to fill your days with easy pleasures. Here are some easy pleasures that will definitely brighten your day:

  • Play footsie with your lover or spouse.
  • Sing loudly in the shower.
  • Eat fresh baked cookies for breakfast.
  • Take an afternoon nap.
  • Reward yourself with a warm brownie cup after a long, stressful day at work.
  • Drive to the beach during weekends.
  • Sleep on a rainy day.
  • Make a brief and intense eye contact with a pretty stranger.
  • Go on a nature hike.
  • Cook a special breakfast for your spouse and serve it in bed.
  • Make a sandcastle.
  • Enjoy hearing the right song for the right moment.
  • Help someone who is in need.
  • Enjoy the smell of your new Moleskin notebook.
  • Watch the ocean..
  • Make a homemade cheesecake.
  • Have a picnic with your family and friends.
  • Enjoy a fresh snow.
  • Make someone smile.
  • Make a homemade pie.
  • Listen to the laughter of youngsters.
  • Walk on the beach.
  • Eat dark chocolate.
  • Be lazy on a Sunday.
  • Hug your child tightly.
  • Enjoy a good wine.
  • Dance like you’re crazy.
  • Swim at night.
  • Write a letter.
  • Enjoy a good cup of tea.
  • Enjoy a potluck dinner with friends.
  • Blow bubbles.
  • Call a friend you haven’t heard from for a while.
  • Listen to upbeat music during a bad day.
  • Stop and listen to street musicians.
  • Organise a dinner party with your highschool friends.
  • Play board games
  • Read comics.
  • Have a candlelight dinner with your partner.
  • Watch classic movies.

To truly enjoy life, you must sprinkle little pleasures throughout your day.

3 Cultivate a Grateful Heart

A grateful heart is a happy heart. If you want to enjoy life, you must cultivate the attitude of gratitude. When you are grateful, you’ll feel more relaxed. You will also feel happier. Maintaining the attitude of gratitude will also enable you to become more optimistic.

It also helps you develop resiliency and mental stability. Gratitude also strengthens your emotions. It helps you develop your personality and it helps you become more optimistic. It also increases your self-esteem.

Here’s how you can cultivate the attitude of gratitude:

Think about the things that you’re grateful for.

Expressing your gratitude (1) can lead to moments of self discovery. The truth is that you’re more blessed than you think. Your life is crammed with good things, so take time to be thankful for:

  • Your parents. Your parents may annoy you every now and then, but they’re still your parents.
  • All the material things that you have. If you have a house, a car, a laptop, and a smart phone, then you are richer than more than 90% of the people in the world.
  • Your job. You may hate your job from time to time, but it pays the bills so be grateful for it.
  • Your ability to see, think, hear, feel, and walk. Not everybody can do this so you are pretty lucky.

Remember that you’re blessed so take time to stop and count these blessings.

Keep a gratitude journal.

Make it a habit to daily write in your gratitude journal. It will immediately make you feel good. It will also let you enjoy life a little more.

Every morning, write down all the things that you’re grateful for. Then, make it a habit to read your previous entries.This way, you’ll be continually reminded of your blessings.

Say thank you.

Learn to appreciate every blessing that you have received. Learn to say “thank you” to the people who are kind to you. Write a “thank you” note to those who have helped you in your work or to those who have helped you achieve your dreams.

When you have a grateful heart, you’ll feel happier. Your ability to enjoy life more will significantly increase because you’ll get to appreciate all the small things that life has to offer.

4. Create a Bucket List

Remember that you only live once so it is necessary to fill it with fun and thrilling things. You can do this by creating a bucket list.

A bucket list is solely a list of the things and activities that you’ll do before you kick the bucket. Having a bucket list will increase your life satisfaction level. When you are living your life in a way that you’re doing fun activities and you are pursuing your passion, you’ll be much happier. You get to create great memories and enjoy the beauty of life.

Creating a bucket list will also make you feel more accomplished. It increases your sense of accomplishment. It lets you focus on what you want and it keeps you moving forward.

Doing the same thing every day can be boring. You would end up feeling like you are just floating through life. But, if you have a list of things that you’ll do between now and the time of your death, you’ll feel more motivated to get things done!

Here are bucket list ideas that you can try.

  • Ski in the Alps.
  • Run in a marathon.
  • Volunteer for a charitable cause.
  • Go skinny dipping.
  • Try skydiving in Dubai.
  • Try horseback riding.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Learn mixed martial arts.
  • Learn how to bake.
  • Make money doing what you love to do.
  • Finish your Masters Degree.
  • Learn how to fix your own car.
  • Make out with a stranger.
  • Try parasailing.
  • Climb a mountain.
  • Dine inside the Eiffel tower.
  • Go whitewater rafting.
  • Master the art of meditation.
  • Ride in a helicopter.
  • Fly a small airplane.
  • Try pole dancing.
  • Sail a boat.
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Eat exotic foods like crocodile and snake meat.
  • Kiss a dolphin.
  • Ride an elephant.
  • Go scuba diving.
  • Share a fantasy with someone you love.
  • Donate blood.
  • Write a song.
  • Have your nude photo taken professionally.
  • Memorize a poem.
  • Write and share your life story.
  • Crash a party.
  • Ride a roller coaster.
  • Invent something that’s of value.
  • Read at least 50 books in 1 year.
  • Try paintball.
  • Drive a race car.
  • Try sand surfing.
  • Explore the canals of Venice.
  • See the pyramids of Egypt.
    Buy a designer item.
  • See a Broadway play.
  • Eat caviar.
  • Eat in a five star restaurant.
  • Enjoy the beaches in Bali.
  • Start your own online business.
  • Teach a class.
  • Read the encyclopedia.
  • Write a book.
  • Learn how to crochet.
  • Teach unfortunate kids how to read.

It is not too late to live a happy and adventure-packed life! So start writing your own bucket list now!

5. Set Goals

Enjoying life is not only about having fun! To truly live a more fulfilling life, you must create goals. You even have to plan for the future. Goals offer you a powerful sense of direction. It keeps you moving forward and it motivates you to wake up each day, even if you don’t feel like it.

Here are some tips that would help you in creating goals that enables you to enjoy and live life to the fullest:

Think about what you want.

Do you want to be insanely wealthy? Do you want to be a successful lawyer or a respected surgeon? Do you want to be an entrepreneur? What kind of house do you want to live in? What kind of car do you want?

In order to create the life that you want and enjoy, you must take time to get to know your heart’s innermost desires.

Set SMART goals.

After you have identified your desires, you must formulate goals to attain those desires. You must be sure that your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).

Specific – When you set goals, you must be specific about the details. You must be specific about the make or model of the car that you want. You must be specific about the design and location of your dream house. When you are clear and specific about what you want, it is less complicated for you to attain it.

Measurable – Your goals must be measurable. This way, it is less complicated for you to determine when to stop. It is also easier for you to track your progress. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you must be specific about how many pounds you want to lose.

Achievable – It is great to dream big. But, if your goal is something that’s impossible to attain during your lifetime, you are setting yourself up for failure. You must be sure that your goals are challenging enough to make a significant change in your life. But, these goals must be achievable.

Relevant – Most people set goals to impress other people. If you want to live a happy life, you must set goals that are congruent with your own desires.

Time-Bound – Setting a deadline will create a powerful sense of urgency. It encourages you to act quickly and it helps avoid procrastination.

Set goals for each area of your life.

To ensure that you’ll live a balanced life, you must create the following goals:

  • Financial goals
  • Career goals
  • Personal development goals
  • Relationship goals
  • Leisure and lifestyle goals

Create a detailed plan of action.

Goal-setting is solely not enough. If you want to live a happier and more fulfilling life, you must take action. Creating a detailed action plan will help you take action to attain your goals.

Having goals will give a powerful sense of purpose in your life. If you have goals, you’ll feel happier and more fulfilled. You will also get to enjoy life a little bit more.

Other Tips

Do you regularly feel that you’re sleep walking through your days? Do you want more freedom? Do you want to live a life of adventure?

Here are other tips that would help you enjoy life more and live to the fullest:

1. Stop caring about what others think of you.

You must accept the indisputable fact that you can’t please everybody. If you live simply to please other people, you’ll live a tragic life. You won’t enjoy the things that life has to offer and you would miss out opportunities to be truly happy. If you want to enjoy and live life to the fullest, you must live on your own terms. You must choose your own path.

2. Focus on the things that you can control.

The truth is you can’t possibly control everything that happens to you. So, you just must go with the flow and focus on the things that matter to you.

3. Invest in personal development.

Each of us has flaws – mediocre intelligence, stubbornness, laziness, or social awkwardness. Whatever it’s, you must understand that you can change aspects of your personality. You can become more confident, more hard working, and more clever. But, to attain this, you must invest effort and time in personal development (2).

4. Love your parents and cherish them while they’re alive

If you want to live a better and more fulfilling life, you must learn to love your parents and stay in touch with them. Remember that they won’t be around endlessly, so it is necessary to love them and cherish them while they’re still alive.

5. Make a career out of your passion.

Mark Zuckerberg, Coco Chanel, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah, Beyonce, Michael Jackson and Henry Ford have one thing in common. They are all passionate about what they do. If you want to live a happy and more fulfilling life, you must make a career out of your passion.

If you like makeup, you can become a make-up artist. If you love to sing, you can sing professionally. There is even a career path for those who love to shop!

6. Ride a bike.

Former US president John F. Kennedy once said that the pleasure that you get out of an easy bike ride is something incomparable. So, take time to ride a bike around your neighbourhood. You’ll get to enjoy the view and have some exercise, too.

7. Try gardening.

Gardening is one of those hobbies that bring unexplainable joy. So, take time to plant pots of colourful flowers. You can plant roses, jasmines, and violets. You can grow orchids, too.

8. Give your partner a gift for no reason.

Giving a gift just for the mere joy of giving will bring sometimes brings joy and appreciation.

But, it will make you feel good, too.

9. Avoid the late night news.

The news is crammed with negativity. If you want to live a more positive life, you need to fill your mind with positive thoughts.

10. Meet new people.

Take time to go out and meet new people. You can simply give a smile to a stranger or engage in small talk with the person seated next to you in a train.

11. Try new things.

If you want to live a fun life, you must face your fears and try new things. If you are afraid of heights, try taking a zip line ride. If you are afraid of the ocean, try to scuba diving.

12. Track how you are spending your time.

Do you watch TV more often that you need to? Do you spend hours playing online games or surfing the internet? Remember that your time in this world is limited, so you must spend it well.

13. Focus on yourself.

The most vital relationship you’ll ever have is the one with yourself so you have to actually focus on yourself. You must eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. You even have to make time for things that make you happy.

14. Nurture your relationships.

If you want to live a happy life, you must value people more than things. You must nurture your relationships and spend time with people who matter to you.

15. Spend money on experiences.

To truly enjoy life, you must spend money on experiences and not on material things. Studies show that people who spend money on travel and adventure are happier than those who spend money on expensive clothes and gadgets.

16. Celebrate successes.

Take time to celebrate your success no matter how small they may seem.

17. Go outside.

People seldom go outside these days. To truly enjoy life, you must go outside and feel the sun on your skin. Feel the wind on your face and have a dose of fresh air and Vitamin D.

18. Get physical.

Exercise releases endorphins. These chemicals are natural stress-busters! So, put on your rubber shoes and begin exercising today.

19. Record your happy moments.

While it is necessary to just savour the moment, it’s equally important to record happy memories.

So, take time to write in a journal or take photos.

20. Be kind.

Remember that everyone seems to be fighting a distinctive and hard battle so it is necessary to be kind. Do random acts of kindness from time to time. Spend time to make a difference in other people’s lives.

If you die today, how do you want other people to remember you? So, you must live each day as if it’s your last but dream as if you will live endlessly.


I hope this article was able to offer you valuable tips on how to enjoy life more.

The next step is to apply everything that you have learned here to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Feel free to share post to your family and friends as it’s my goal to help many people live a fun and thrilling life!