How To Get a Girl To Like You And Catch Her Interest For Good

In this new article you’ll find out how to get a girl to like you.
The first time you see a lovely girl, approaching her can be intimidating. Often girls wish they hadn’t made the first move, which can pose a challenge for those who are shy or who just do not know where to start with regards to girls. Luckily, here you will find a comprehensive guide to getting moving, from planning the date to getting her number to reading the signal. Whether you are trying to make friends or meet the love of your life, here are some strategies to consider.
How to Get a Girl to Like You:
Approaching Girls
You know the scenario: A cute girl across the room catches your eye. You want to meet him, but how?
The most ideal way to meet girls is to have mutual friends introduce you. If you are at a friend’s party, or some other private event, likelihood is the two of you have the same friends. Get rid of the host, chat politely and thank them briefly for the invite before asking them to introduce you (that way you do not come off as impolite, as if you only wanted to talk to them if it would help you meet girls). Or, if you see someone you know talking to the girl, let them know you have not met their friends there yet.
However, recognition is impossible in all cases. If not, muster up the courage to say “Hi, I’m _______”. Prepare a few different topics of conversation or things to say afterward, if he does not initiate the conversation. One thing you should not fail to say after introducing yourself is “I’m a little bored, and would like to meet some interesting people.” He’ll feel complimented, but since the compliment is subtle, he will not feel like you are overdoing it.
Consider commenting on the atmosphere, the event that’s going on, or some other aspect the two of you have immediately simply because of where you both are. Standing in line at a cafe, maybe “Can you get me a napkin?” If there’s an indicator of one of his interests, like the book he is holding or the band shirt he is wearing, start a conversation about it.
Don’t: Refrain from pick-up lines and profane comments about his appearance. Don’t instantly suggest a change of scenery.
Do it: Try to appear confident and bold! Confidence is key, so long as it does not turn into arrogance. However, if it is apparent that you are nervous or embarrassed, it is better to admit it. Admit it out loud, because lots of girls find shyness attractive. Whatever your attitude, have it and you can succeed.
Chat with a Girl You Just Met
Happy! You’re brave enough to approach this girl, and she tells you her name is Jane. Maybe you picked up some pointers from above and initially broke the ice with a few comments about the event or environment, but you may not have the ability to continue the conversation about this.
Instead, the two of you’ll share some casual information about yourselves as the subject comes up, like where you work or go to school, and perhaps some of your pursuits or interests. Most importantly, ask him questions about what he is doing. Girls like it when guys ask questions, because it shows that you are actively listening to what he has to say.
However, do not push the question too hard, or she will feel like she’s being interviewed! Smile, maintain eye contact, and ensure you do not ask questions he already answered, or your flirting will backfire and he’ll think you are not interested.
When talking about yourself, do not brag or exaggerate your accomplishments. Also, do not lie. If things work out between you, he will find out that you lied, and these little white lies will come back to haunt you.
On the other hand, compliment him if he shares some memorable details about himself, or congratulate him if he has big news, like a promotion.
Reading Body Signs At The First Meeting
Sometimes it is hard to gauge a girl’s interest when you do not know her very well. While you may be tempted to tell yourself that things are going well and he really likes you (which, with these tips, they should be!), you should also objectively read the signs he is sending.
If Jane seems tense or wary of you at the start of the conversation, that’s most likely not a bad thing. He’s most likely the one who’s generally taken care of. However, if he seems utterly uninterested in the conversation even after he is relaxed, repeatedly looks away or scans the room, fiddles with his phone, or leans in the other direction to you, he is nonverbally telling you that he is not interested.
On the other hand, it will become evident as Jane gets more and more interested in getting to know you. He may lean forward, narrowing the space between you. He may touch her hair or face. Of course, if he is continually smiling and laughing, that’s a robust indication that he is having an awesome time with you.
Get the Phone Number
Big! You laugh and joke with Jane, and perhaps she does something foolish to cheer you up. Let’s say Jane is wearing oversized sunglasses, and you casually say “Oh, let me show you what you look like” and snap a photo on your phone. Then, when you offer to send her a photo, you will get her number. While this is the most clever and slick way to get a girl’s figure, it also requires proper timing, and isn’t easy to use.
In most cases, you will not have the opportunity to use the snapshot maneuver. Asking a girl for her number “the normal way” can be nervous, so one way to defuse the awkwardness is to mention something you both discussed earlier in the conversation. Then casually say “Let’s finish this conversation via SMS?” Just do not ask for her number right away in a conversation.
If he is preparing to head out and you still do not have his number, just say “OH, I just realized I don’t think I have your number.” Then, let him know you will be texting or calling him, so he expects it.
Confidence tip: Remember that it is normal to get someone’s number. Think of all the phone numbers in your phone, and all the close friends whose numbers you cannot remember. It’s likely that the anticipation you have built up in your head for the moment is absurd considering that Jane would think it is only natural for you to ask for her number.
Don’t text Jane as soon as you get home. Jane wasn’t expecting a text from you at all that night, so put it off until the next morning. The key to texting girls is not looking too clingy. The afternoon of the following day was the perfect time to text the girl, just like two days later. Much slower than that, and you run the risk of being seen out of the blue.
Texting too many times will freak a girl out, and fast. Never send more than one text in a row. If he does not respond, he may be busy or not intending to respond, and you should take the hint. Likewise for one-word answers; after one, you can ask him questions to get the conversation flowing yet again, but after two, he shows disinterest and does not want to talk.
However, if all goes well, feel free to throw a smile here and there, or a compliment. However, use compliments with care, so that they still seem grounded and special when you say them. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with Jane once a day, if you two are already in a robust relationship.
How to Ask Her Out
Ask Jane out on a phone call, and earn points for being personal. Maybe propose a group date first (“Hey Jane, some friends and I are thinking about going to a concert in the square. Want to meet us?”). If you want, be more flirtatious and act like you are on a date in terms of paying her and offering to pick her up.
Don’t invite him over or invite yourself over to his house on the first date. He most likely thought it was creepy. Instead, maybe invite him someplace based on his interests. Let’s say Jane mentions in your text exchange that she likes jazz. Ask Jane if she’s heard of the jazz festival and parade taking place in your town that weekend. If he expresses interest, ask him if he wants to go out with you.
Or, try letting Jane pick the spot. If you want to ask her out in a subtle way, you can begin by asking her about good places:
“Hey, Jane, do you know of any good restaurants around here?” “Li Xi on the 34th is amazing, if you like Chinese.”
“It sounds good; want to come eat with me?”
If you’re going on a double date, or doing something with a group of friends, tell your friend about the great things Jane has done (“Did you know Jane is a published author?”) She will like you. brag about him, and once again you will be practicing the art of subtle flattery.
At the end of the date, say something to hint at the prospect of another date, so he thinks about seeing you again. Something like “Today was really fun; we have to go sightseeing again soon” should do the trick perfectly.
How to Read Signals
When it comes to flirting and whether Jane wants you to make a move, you’re probably really confused. Where do they sell guidebooks to understanding women? Unfortunately, they don’t. After all, it would be more like a set of encyclopedias than a book.
But there are some important things that must be considered when deciphering the seduction of women. In the early phase, if he texts you first, it’s at least an indication that he thinks it’s fun talking to you. Jane may make up some ridiculous excuse just to strike up a conversation with you (“Hey, do you have an inflatable bouncy castle I can borrow?”). If so, he’s trying to find less obvious ways to be around you instead of saying hello in person.
When you and Jane are together, she’s probably just as shy as you about flirting and making moves. Instead of exiting, he might use a slicker technique. Let’s say you went on a date with Jane, and now she invites you to a movie.
You sit about a foot apart, but then he gets up to make popcorn. When he returns, he’s sitting inches away – a sure sign that he wants you to make a move. In fact, the dating elements themselves (personal setting, movies) are both signs that he wants to get closer to you physically.
While dating Jane, she may give other physical cues that she wants you to flirt with her. Let’s say you’re in a movie theater, and Jane casually places the hand closest to you in her lap, or as close to your seat as possible. Jane wouldn’t put her hands in such an awkward position subconsciously; he secretly wishes you would hold his hand.
If the two of you walk together, swinging your arms to your sides and your hands touching a few times, it could indicate that Jane wants you to hold her hand. Informal studies show that most people will hold another person’s hand after they pass each other three times.
In fact, even if Jane doesn’t exhibit this behavior, you can test it for yourself! Try sitting a little closer or moving your hand over his.
Keep the Interest
Once you’ve established a mutual relationship with the girl you’re interested in, you have to make sure you don’t fall short in her eyes. Keep the sparks going, even after a few months have passed.
One easy way to achieve this is to save the most thrilling and romantic outing for the fourth or fifth date. After a series of dinner dates and walks in the park, maybe ask her to climb to the top of a tall mountain to watch the sunset. A candlelit dinner on the rooftop of your apartment building overlooking the city would also be sweet and thoughtful. Anything you can dream up that will make for a memorable and fun date will work.
For a more tame way to keep him interested in you, think about not mentioning one memorable or unique detail about yourself for the fourth or fifth date. Jane will be more impressed when you do random backflips during your fifth date than if you brag about your acrobatic skills from day one.
Girls also love it when people, especially romantic prospects, can remember little details about them. When he casually mentions that he doesn’t like green beans and you remember it weeks later, he’s impressed that you were so considerate and touched that you did.
How NOT To Keep His Interests
Often men can make some shortsighted mistakes in pursuing women. They may think that by giving him the “cold shoulder” they will appear more like the aloof and mysterious man in their dreams or that by playing mind games they will win her over. But you’re smarter than those guys.
First of all, never try to make a girl jealous; it almost always backfires. Chances are he’ll reciprocate by trying to make you jealous. When you’re jealous, there’s going to be hurt feelings on all sides, no matter how much you both outwardly pretend not to be playing this ridiculous game.
“Playing hard to get” is also a common mistake. Jane will assume that you really forgot to call her, or that you didn’t think about it. Jane is inconsiderate to guide him, only to ignore him in an attempt to seem cool. It’s understandable to limit the number of times you call Jane per day, because you don’t want to come across as clingy or desperate. However, taken to extremes, limited contact will cause Jane to think you’ve lost interest, and she will lose interest too.
You’ve learned how to approach a girl, how to ask her out, and how to follow up. Now that you know what to expect and what to do, get out there and get started! You’re confident and ready, but before you can meet women, you have to know where to look.
If you are religious, one of the best places to meet women is at your house of worship. If you meet a girl at church, you know that she will share the same basic values as you—an early indicator of compatibility. If you are not religious, you can get the same effect by joining a volunteer group. Service organizations are increasingly made up of young singles.
Concerts are another great place to meet girls you have at least one thing in common: their love of the same band! While the atmosphere at concerts can be loud, with little time to talk through to the end, you can still approach the girl all the way through and have a chance to introduce yourself.
Men also often downplay the possibility of meeting girls in everyday hangouts, from morning coffee cafes to dog parks to gyms. It’s likely that girls visit these places more often than anywhere else. The mall is a prime opportunity to meet single girls, as that is another place they frequent.
If all else fails, be open to friends and family members trying to “set you up.” These are the people who know you best, and they probably know what they’re doing when it comes to matchmaking. So entertain them, and date the girl they suggest. If it goes badly, you’ll at least be able to laugh it off and tease the person who set you up.
Most importantly, gentlemen, don’t let mistakes, accidents, and setbacks discourage you! Sometimes, the timing isn’t right, and sometimes things don’t go well. Remember, however, that above all else you must apologize when one is due, respect women, and treat them with the utmost consideration. If you do that, then everything else will fall into place.
Thanks for reading this article on how to get a girl to like you and I actually hope you take action on my advice. I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you. Good luck!