How To Get Rid Of Bad Thoughts In Your Mind: 19 Clear Steps

In this new article you’ll find out how to get rid of bad thoughts in your mind.
If we do not deal with negative thoughts, they can accompany us for days, weeks, or months. When we overanalyze a situation or assume that somebody has secretly offended us, it often comes when we least expect it.
Bad thoughts are normal, and the brain has mechanisms to deal with them, even if they’re nasty. While you should all the time seek medical help for depression or recurrent negative thoughts, you can generally manage them on your own.
How To Get Rid Of Bad Thoughts In Your Mind:
1. Realize that having nasty thoughts every now and then is normal.
This is most likely the simplest way to start working on your problem. You may think that you’re the only one with problems or that nobody knows what you’re going through, but bad thoughts are a part of life and will pass. Don’t beat yourself up for negative thoughts because they aren’t your fault.
“It was my fault,” “I shouldn’t have thought about it,” and “I hate the thought” are phrases to avoid.
You have had negative thoughts before, and you’ll continue to have them. However, you are still alive and well. If you do not turn your negative thoughts into monsters, they will not kill you.
2. Think about what makes this thought “bad”.
What is it about this thought that pisses you off so much? What keeps him in your mind? Bad thoughts often persist because we feel guilty, angry, or not sure about the future. Reflecting on why you are stuck with the same thoughts can help you shape them and find ways to work things out.
3. Take a few deep breaths to slow down your thoughts.
When a negative thought pops into your head, it is normal to feel anxious or scared, but do not get angry or focus on it. Pause in place for 30 seconds and take five deep breaths. Instead of jumping to unreasonable or overreaching conclusions, take a moment to confront the idea.
If you are still feeling anxious, try counting to 15.
You can even relax by coloring, listening to relaxing music, or reading for a while.
You can even get outside, leave your room, or take a brief walk to clear your mind.
4. Examine why you are having negative or bad thoughts.
Once you have calmed down and thought about why you are unhappy, it is time to analyze why these thoughts are so negative. Here are some helpful questions to ask:
What evidence do I have that my fears and worries are justified?
What is the advantage of circumstances that I don’t see?
Can I see this situation from a different perspective? What do other people think of me?
Will this situation be relevant five years from now?
5. Stay in the moment.
You can feel fine even when circumstances aren’t ideal or challenging. You haven’t got to let negative thoughts take over your mind.
You haven’t any control over the future or the past. You can only face the moment. Many negative thoughts arise from ignoring this fact and making predictions or conjectures about what will occur in the future.
For example, you may tell yourself that tomorrow’s test will be very difficult and you’ll certainly fail, but these negative beliefs haven’t any basis in reality. Instead of determining how to make the exam easier for yourself the day before, you have been telling yourself as soon as the exam hits your desk that it is going to be terrible. Don’t let your anticipation of the future distract you from the present.
6. Put your thoughts into context.
When you have some nasty thoughts, your first reaction is to exaggerate them: “I am seduced by another woman; I don’t think I love my wife.” “I’m going to get fired because my employer doesn’t like my presentation,” “Everyone has nice cars, so I must be a loser.”
These ideas aren’t only easy, they’re often wrong. Remember that you’re not the center of the world and most of your problems will have little impact on your overall happiness.
Remember problems from your past, like being punished or being abandoned? Even if it seems dire at the time, likelihood is you have gotten over it with no lasting consequences.
7. Turn your attention to something you know will lift your mood.
Revisiting something familiar and enjoyable helps you forget your worries or gain perspective. Experiencing something that brings back pleasant memories can help put negative thoughts into perspective; things aren’t all the time bad and will not be in the future.
- Read your favourite book a second time.
- Bake chocolate chip cookies your mom made.
- Open your team’s upcoming match.
- Play favourite CDs from your childhood.
- View photos from important events or trips.
8. Don’t try to “shift” your mind by running away from it.
Telling yourself not to consider something is pretty much as good as thinking about it. You spend so much time telling other people to “stop thinking about my breakup” that you do not realize you are still thinking about it! Either direct your thoughts the other way or deal with negative thoughts. In turn, trying to deliberately banish those thoughts will only make the situation worse.
In some cases, confronting the problem head-on is advisable, but in other cases, a better tactic is to put it off for a while.
9. Practice “letting go” of thoughts.
Take a deep breath, identify your negative thoughts and move on rather than fighting them. This is a difficult talent to master, but it’s the best strategy for fighting negative thoughts for the rest of your life.
For example, you may fear that you’re going to be fired for mistakes you make at work. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, learn from it and try not to make the same mistake again. Instead of anticipating the worst, focus on improving.
“I can not control everything in the world (1)”, “I can’t undo the past” and “It’s time to move forward” are examples of phrases to consider.
10. Throw your problems out the window.
It may seem strange, but according to a New York City study, people who wrote down their negative thoughts on paper and then threw them in the trash had higher self-esteem than those who kept the paper. Writing allows you to express your worries, and physically getting rid of them signals your body that it’s time to move on.
The same study found that dragging files to the trash on a computer has the same nifty effect.
11. Talk to someone you can trust about your negative thoughts.
This is a great way to analyze what makes certain thoughts so bad and remove them from your mind. It also often helps to realize that the thought is not as bad as it seems.
After expressing your fears, you can get helpful advice and insight from someone who is sure to have similar concerns. Many psychiatrists have found that speaking your thoughts in a safe environment is enough to get rid of them.
Bad thoughts are basically a conversation with yourself, and everything you say seems true. Presenting a different point of view can help you see errors in your reasoning and stop these thoughts.
12. Use positive affirmations to combat negative nagging thoughts.
Positive affirmations involve taking time to affirm that you are happy, healthy, and have self-worth. Positive affirmations can help you combat negative thoughts (undervaluing yourself, unworthiness, etc.). Practice saying the words “I…” followed by positive qualities about yourself, such as “I’m smart,” “I excel at my job,” or “I’m a good family member.”
Make a list of your good qualities and put them somewhere you will see them every day, such as on your desk at work or in the bathroom mirror.
If you keep telling yourself, “I’m too stupid,” acknowledge many things you already know by using affirmations like, “I understand how to fix cars,” “I can cook,” or “I’m smart .”
You have the ability to change your negative thoughts once you become aware of them. You can think, “I’m good enough” rather than “I’m not good enough.”
13. Find something related to your free time.
Most nasty ideas arise during free moments when your mind is free to move or when you’re tired. Find activities that let you spend less time alone, such as starting to exercise (2), start a writing or art project, or do community service.
Loneliness is not all the time a scary thing, but being alone and unsure what to do can cause anxiety and fear.
14. Recognize those who make you think negatively.
Relationships are some of the most chaotic and mentally challenging terrain to tackle. You may wonder in vain what other people are thinking, whether their friends mean to offend you or someone is groping you behind your back.
However, you aren’t responsible if your friend or partner often triggers your negative thoughts. For whatever reason, this relationship may not be healthy.
Give yourself some time away from negative people—do negative thoughts go away when you are not with them?
Avoid friends who continuously criticize or make fun of you, skip meetings, or do not value your time and interests.
15. Be proactive in dealing with negative thoughts.
Make a list of everything you can do to combat negativity. For example, if you are continuously worrying about your relationship, consider what you can do to make it more snug. Plan a date night, buy flowers for other people, talk to your partner, then go out with friends for a good time.
Even although you may not have the ability to complete every task on your list, having a list of possible tasks will help you regain control of your thoughts.
16. Find ways to express your dissatisfaction in creative ways.
Writing down nasty thoughts, playing a musical instrument, or painting your emotions are all effective strategies for exploring and coping with them. Keep in mind that the purpose of art is to communicate your views, not condemn them. Even if you have never revealed your art to anyone, just working on it can be a terrific way to divert negative thoughts elsewhere.
17. Don’t forget to smile.
It’s been proven that smiling makes your body produce hormones that make you feel better. So smile and let the world know that you’re happy, and you’ll be surprised how many people will smile back at you. With social and physiological reinforcement, it can literally mean the difference between looking bright and optimistic and being stuck in negative thoughts.
On the other hand, a frown or a tragic expression can lead to more negative thoughts.
If you are having a bad day, take time to watch your favourite comedy to lift your mood.
18. When you are struggling with adversity, maintain a sense of humor.
One of the best ways to stay fit and healthy is to laugh at setbacks and misfortunes. Anxiety and tension will be relieved by humor, which will “set” a bad situation into a good one. Laughter will offer you much needed perspective on your ideas, making it easier to shake off negative thoughts.
Laugh at yourself too; You should not take your life so seriously that you cannot enjoy it.
Join people who laugh or joke a lot, because laughter is contagious. You’ll laugh more when you are around people who laugh.
19. Find a trusted friend or family member that you can be totally honest with.
Knowing that you have someone who is open and honest with you can make scary ideas less scary. It takes time to build trust with someone, and you must be a little sensitive to expressing your fears to others, but having that bond will help you realize that you’re not alone. You can deal with negative thoughts as they arise, and someone will be there to help.
Thank you for reading this article on how to get rid of bad thoughts in your mind and I actually hope you take action on my advice.
I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.