How To Improve Your Attitude In Life: 8 Practical Techniques

In this new article you’ll find out how to improve your attitude. The attitude changes everything! It is like a filter through which we look at reality: ourselves, our work, concrete actions, another human being. It decides whether our life is nice, positive, joyful and satisfying.
Every day in our work we encounter different manifestations of positive and negative attitude of others. Contact with the first motivates us, makes us want more. We like to surround ourselves with people who are normally positive, motivate us and make our life energy grow. Through a positive example we learn from such people how to become better people. Contact with a negative attitude sucks our energy and willingness to act. We avoid people who continually complain, take on the role of a victim or unknowingly spread negative energy.
How to become a person who will motivate others with his positive attitude and improve the quality of joint work? How to unleash enthusiasm and energy even in worse days? Learn to consciously manage your inner attitude so that it supports you in achieving your goals and releases the joy of life and willingness to act both in you and in everybody around you.
How To Improve Your Attitude In Life:
1. Identify, name and write down what has value and meaning for you, what is actually important for you
Our attitude depends on whether in our work we respect what is important to us. If we act against our core values, there may be internal opposition and resistance. For example, if we strongly believe in the meaning of open communication, it can be difficult for us to find ourselves in a work environment that has adopted the principle of not talking about difficulties and challenges directly, but through our boss.
If we value independence and autonomy, it can be difficult for us to be positive when our decisions aren’t taken into account without important, understandable arguments. Conversely, when things that are important to us, in which we firmly believe in meaning, are respected and we ourselves take care to make sure that this is the case, then a positive attitude appears automatically.
For example, when one of our values is new challenges, we bloom in situations where we take care to have them. To consciously influence your attitude and understand what it depends on, try to deepen your awareness of your values.
Just answer the questions:
What do you believe in or strongly support in your work?
Why is this important? What is even more important to you than this? What will you achieve with this value?
Choose 2-3 values that you want to realise even more fully through your professional activities. Write them down below and find practical ways to do it.
List of examples of values at work:
- Internal cohesion
- Friendship
- Honesty
- Gratitude
- Pride
- Financial independence
- Trust
- Freedom
3. Treat yourself with respect
If you feel comfy with yourself, you’ll naturally be more positive.
Start paying attention to how much respect you show for yourself. Write down the situations in which you would like to show it to yourself more. Examples of situations in which we give up ourselves (and thus find out about ourselves that we’re not valuable to ourselves):
- When you don’t decide to speak at a meeting, despite the indisputable fact that you feel such a need, because you recognize that others have a greater right to do so, a greater need, or something more important to say;
- When you comply with make an appointment in an inconvenient place, where your friends want to make an appointment, because it seems to you that if you propose others, they wouldn’t want to meet you;
- When you don’t let yourself eat, when you’re hungry, you just keep on doing other “more important” things.
4. Change from the passenger seat to the driver’s comfort seat
Remove “I must” and “I should” from your language, grab the moments when you complain about something and ask yourself “what do I choose now?”
Compulsion doesn’t exist – everything, even breathing, is the result of a choice. You can make a decision even on such a fundamental issue as breathing that you’re not breathing. Take responsibility for your life and pay attention to why you choose what you choose? What does it make sense to you? Why do you decide to do it?
Without hesitation, spontaneously finish the sentence: “I must…” several times.
Then select 3 beliefs that are specially important to you about what you need and try to change them to more supportive of your positive attitude, thanks to the experience of your own creativity and selection.
For example:
- “I have to follow the instructions of the boss” —> “I choose to follow the instructions of the boss, because it gives me a sense of security”
- “I have to work in this job.” —> “I choose to work here because it gives me certain benefits that are important to me at the moment.”
- “I must do at once what others ask me to do.” —> “I can do what others ask me to do at my own pace, I can negotiate deadlines according to my preference.”
5. Know the sources of your enthusiasm
What gives you energy and positive mood? In what situations do you enjoy like a child and the action absorbs you so that you forget about the entire world?
Write down the situations that make you feel animated, excited, energized, emotional, enthusiastic. Remember the situations after which you feel strongly motivated. Plan a moment for yourself every week! Make it a vital point in your calendar.
6. Discover what you do automatically and get entangled in developing your passion
What activities do you do without motivating yourself, because you naturally feel like it? What naturally triggers your involvement? What do I like to do? What is pleasant about it for you? What important needs and values do you realize through this activity?
A few years ago, when I was attempting to find my life vocation, I started to pay attention to what I like to devote my time to and discovered that it’s reading books about personal development and talking in the here and now, in being, close and intimate conversation about what is actually important in life, about relationships, emotions.
Nobody had to encourage me to reach for one more developmental reading. I was consuming a few books a week. Conversations on important topics in life gave me a sense of meaning and brought me closer to people. By calling what makes me fly, I naturally set my direction of involvement in the development of this passion. I went to the trainers’ studio, started working with my greatest gifts, doing the activities that give me the most pleasure and joy.
7. Pay attention to what effect you have on others
Steve Jobes influenced others the most with his constant desire for simplicity. Mother Teresa with warmth and goodness, selfless and unconditional love. Below you’ll find a list of some of the qualities that we influence others, create your own and examine what you currently influence others and what you want to influence? What world, working environment, living and working environment should we create? We most influence others with what we are, with our attitude.
- Kindness
- Acceptance
- Giving space
- Showing confidence
- Love
- Relaxed attitude
- Stressed attitude
- Negative attitude
- Positive setting
- Enthusiasm
- Joy
- Being in touch
- Aversion
By realizing that you influence others with every action and lack of action, behavior, emotion, you can begin to do it more consciously, in order to create a good climate and space for development for everybody around you. It’s like a fish that purifies the water in which it floats, positively influences the comfort of other fish in the aquarium, but also experiences this good, pure quality itself.
There is no difference between the working environment and such an aquarium. Answer the question in which water you want to swim and bring this quality to it with your attitude.
8. Practice gratitude – focus on abundance rather than scarcity
Find at least 20 things you are grateful for in your work or life. As practice shows, focusing on what is nice and abundant in our lives is greatly beneficial for the overall well-being and emotional condition of a person, and thus can fantastically trigger a positive attitude. Spontaneously and quickly finish the sentence several times: “I am grateful for…”. Maybe you want to introduce this technique to your everyday experience and thank for lovely things every evening.
Unleash commitment!
Internal attitude, that’s our attitude towards people or activities that we do, is a strong tool both in achieving life goals and building a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Positive supports in building long-term relationships based on trust and pleasure of joint action, implementation of plans, opens up new opportunities. Negative ones make it difficult to build closeness with others and achieve goals. Fortunately, we can consciously influence them and choose the attitude we want to adopt.
Thank you for reading this article about how to improve your attitude and I actually hope that you take action my advice. I wish you good luck and that I hope its contents have been a good help to you.