How To Increase Motivation And Energy: 15 Ways To Get Motivation

how to make yourself more approachable

In this new article you’ll find out how to increase motivation and energy.

Wayne Dyer once said, “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”

To be motivated is a challenge.

Most people are often attempting to find inspiration. Some even ask other people for comfort and guidance in order to gain inspiration. Motivation is an intangible feeling, but how come we look for it in the most confusing and complex way when we can provide ourselves with our own source of motivation?

Take time to read the following tips and be insanely motivated.

How To Increase Motivation And Energy:

1. List down your dreams and ambitions

Every single person has a big dream. Just thinking about it makes a person smile. Commit to your dreams and make it occur. Start slowly and make a step by step progress.

One day you’ll be surprised how far you have come in reaching for your dreams.

2. Do not procrastinate

Procrastination is the ultimate enemy of motivation. Removing this as a habit will help you become more motivated to do things each day. You will realize that you can do so many things if you stop procrastinating.

3. Reward yourself

If nobody will reward you then why not give it to yourself? Give yourself a reward every now and then with anything that you know is special for you. Getting a reward triggers a positive feeling to your unconscious. Fuel your desire anytime you reward yourself in order to be continuously motivated.

4. Step out of your comfort zone

You will learn new things about yourself if you try new things. It will change your outlook in life into something more positive and thrilling. It won’t only get you motivated but it will also boost your confidence.

5. Be a visionary

Want to boost energy and motivation? Always imagine what awaits you at the finish line. Thinking ahead will help you jump start your activities and finish them as quickly as possible. Getting started fuels your motivation day by day until you reach your desired finish line.

6. Look back at your past achievements and triumphs

Always remember that you’re continuously improving and that sometime in the past you have excelled in something. This only means that you’re not afraid to make mistakes (1). This will make you more keen to feel again how fulfilling it’s to achieve success by reminiscing the best times of your life.

7. Do not stress yourself with so many activities

Having plenty of things to do in order to tell yourself that you’re being productive is not in fact going to inspire you. Relax and enjoy every moment. Do the things that you love. Doing more of things that you thought is crucial will only make you feel restless and it is going to be a total waste of time if you push yourself too hard.

8. Avoid Pessimists

Avoid negative people, negative words, and negative thinking. Being a pessimist will take you nowhere. It will only put you down.

9. Spend time with highly motivated and successful people

These people have already surpassed the current state that you’re in. Ask tips from these people and follow their direction.

10. Stretch your limits

Stop telling yourself what you can only do and what you can’t do. Do something that you thought you couldn’t do and commit yourself into perfecting it.

11. Set goals

Start with an easy goal and ensure to have daily, weekly, or yearly goals to reach. Goals will keep you reminded of your life aspirations. Believe in yourself that one day you’re going to get to where you want to be.

12. Keep or collect things that inspire you

Motivational books, quotes, music and even movies are all easy to amass these days. Keep all these stuff and ensure to read, listen or watch them once in a while to keep your spirits high. These tips to increase motivation are really good.

13. Play music that keeps you going

Whether it’s an upbeat or a mellow song, all the time listen to it and play it every time you wake up. Play it as often as you could to keep you up for the rest of the day. It is best if you repeat it everyday.

14. Think of your loved ones

Just thinking about them makes you feel motivated. Dedicate your success to your family. This motivational tip never fails to make anyone feel inspired and alive while working.

15. Be Happy

Happiness is the most vital thing in the world. Spend time being happy. Do what makes you happy (2). Keep yourself happy. Surround yourself with happy people and you wouldn’t must worry about getting insanely motivated.

If you are really serious in being motivated, all the time remind yourself of these tips and expect great outcome in the future!

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to increase motivation and energy. I sincerely hope its contents have been a good help to you.