How To Motivate Yourself To Read Books: 6 Great Motivation Tips

how to understand what you read

If you have ever wondered how to inspire yourself to read a book, this article is for you.

Many people find reading to be a tedious and frustrating task. However, while it requires more effort than watching television, it’s also important to live in a world where information arrives so quickly that hearing it out loud is not an option.

Educating yourself through reading can make the difference between success and failure at school, work, and social life. If you can get yourself to love reading, that love will pay off big in the future.

Finding ways to push yourself to read more can be difficult, but reading is like exercise: the more you do, the better you will do.

Here we’ll go over some tips and tricks to get you started on the way to becoming a proficient and frequent reader.

How To Motivate Yourself To Read Books:

Tip 1: Don’t overdo it

One of the most common mistakes the average person makes with any new habit is setting themselves on fire by trying too many at the start.

If you are someone who reads very little, and you try to jump right in and begin reading for two hours a day, every day, you are likely to burn out quickly and sink back into the habit of never reading again.

A good method to follow is to start small, keep a gentle pace, and slowly increase the amount you read.

If you read fiction novels, a good rule of thumb is one chapter every other day. If you want to start with more technical reading, such as a textbook or manual, you may want to set a time limit, not a length limit.

Twenty minutes or so of difficult reading can be more than enough to get you into the habit of reading, while not overtiring your brain.

As you spend more time reading, you can slowly increase the amount, but make sure to stick to a reasonable amount based on your schedule and how much you can get by.

Tip 2: Practice Reading One Thing at a Time

This may seem reasonable, but read only one thing at a time when you practice reading. According to research, many of us have lost the ability to read thoroughly through one piece of writing.

Information tells us that because we spend most of our time today browsing online, we are used to a constant flood of new information, and we are used to jumping from one material to the next.

It can come back to haunt you if there is a cover story you need to read for work, or if you want to read a full-length novel.

The way to incorporate this into your new reading habit is pretty simple: only read one book at a time.

Even if you must read for one more event like a class or seminar, dedicate your scheduled reading time to only one thing at a time.

Turn off your laptop computer, silence your smartphone, put other books aside and focus only on what you are reading at the moment.

This decision to focus will help you get the more reading you want in the short term, but it will also provide you with a sense of completion and pleasure that will make you want to read more in the long term.

Tip 3: Choose Reading Material That Interests You

While it may be a noble endeavor to try and read an advanced world history textbook as a way to practice reading, if you aren’t interested in history then you’ll only dampen your attempts to read.

The focus should be on getting yourself to read (1), and doesn’t particularly address any other issues.

You will be more motivated to read if the reading material is of interest to you.

Even if you decide to read a Harlequin novel, a biography of your favourite sports star, or a fantasy/sci-fi novel, you are helping yourself to get used to the act of reading itself.

Once you are more comfy sitting with your book in hand, you can then develop material that may not be as entertaining.

Tip 4: Find Reading Media and Locations that Work for You

With the advancement of the technological age, we are not any longer stuck with only a choice between hardcover and softcover for our reading material.

You can choose to spend your time reading eBooks on your desktop computer, sitting on the sofa running your eBooks through your family’s big screen television, or taking your laptop or tablet PC wherever you might take a regular book.

There is no wrong or right reading method, and you should focus on what makes it the most enjoyable and relaxing for you. Some like to take their reading to parks or public areas to enjoy the outdoors while they read.

Others like to read in bed, enjoying the comfort and silence of their own room. Experiment with different locations and reading materials to find what works best for you.

Tip 5: Prepare a Dictionary

While you may not need a physical dictionary, given the availability of online versions, the fact remains that as you read further you’ll be confronted with words you aren’t familiar with.

The important thing to remember is that this is among the benefits of reading more often. You’ll see these new words in context, and have great references for their usage.

This does not imply you must rely totally on context to understand the word.

Looking up definitions and usages in a dictionary will provide you with a solid understanding of new words, expand your vocabulary, and provide you with the satisfaction of learning more than simply the content of your reading.

Other reference books may be useful too.

For example, if you’re reading a history book, a biographical dictionary can be a valuable reference to aid your understanding.

Tip 6: Keep at it

There are more reasons to read than listed above, and more ways to make reading fun and enjoyable, but you’ll only enjoy reading if you keep at it.

If you have trouble keeping a reading schedule (2) on your own, you can find a “buddy reading” or a book club to help inspire your friends.

If a time or event gets in the way of your reading schedule, try to correct it as soon as possible so you do not get out of the habit.

Remember, reading is like exercise: the more often you do it the easier it gets, and it is healthy for you to do.


By reading this article, you are admitting to yourself that it is crucial to make yourself more self-read.

Use the tips discussed above to gradually increase your reading level over time.

With these techniques, you can create the desire and opportunity in your life to radically increase your reading level.

Like any other self-motivated exercise, improving your reading level will take some work, but you can overcome all the obstacles that stop you from achieving your goals, and develop a lifelong love of reading.

Thank you for reading this article on how to push yourself to read a book and I actually hope you take my advice into action.

I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.