How To Set Long Term Goals And Achieve Them: [The New Guide]

In this new article you’ll find out how to set long term goals and achieve them.
“What does ‘goal setting’ mean?” you may ask. Well, goal setting is a really popular strategy for reaching success in today’s society.
After all, we’re all the time so busy with work, relationships, finances, health, and more that things tend to get so chaotic and out of control. However, you can get control of this stuff through setting personal goals.
Personal (and even professional) goals can help you to develop and maintain your focus and your motivation while increasing your potential for becoming successful in all your endeavors.
How To Set Long Term Goals And Achieve Them:
Types of Goals
This will be discussed in greater detail later, but there are some things that you should know about goals. Most of the time, goals are time-sensitive, which means that they focus on an immediate or an extended outcome.
A brief-term goal is a goal that covers a brief period of time, such as one day or one week. On the other hand, a long-term goal focuses on several months to several years.
You can apply the principles of g o a l setting i n a n y a r e a o f y o u r l i f e : business, relationships, personal growth/development, or health.
Features of Goal Setting
Of course, you should know that goal setting is a personal process and can take on diverse forms. Keep in mind, although, that writing down or recording your goals is essential for keeping your deadlines in mind and your steps in the proper order.
In fact, you’re much more likely to accomplish a goal if it’s written down (together with the plan of action) because it will reduce the amount of effort and time you must put forth into your goal over the long-term period.
There are things that you can include in your goal planning, such as including a timeline, deciding on the steps you need to follow to reach your goal and a way to chart your progress (whether daily, weekly, or monthly).
Benefits of Goal Setting
Setting goals for yourself (whether personally or professionally) will help you to create clarity and organization for yourself, because it w il l b e your roadmap to your final destination.
In fact, one study conducted by the University of Baltimore revealed that companies that utilize the process of goal setting in fact function far better than those businesses that don’t set goals.
Of course, the benefits of setting goals aren’t just for business – you can apply them to many areas of your life. The National Institute of Health, or NIH, has said that setting health goals can help you to create healthier behavior changes, such as a suitable diet and exercise routine.
Limitation of Goal Setting
If you don’t take the effort and time to properly determine your goals and make a decision on an action plan, it can in fact keep you from achieving your goals.
For example, if your goals are too challenging or too specific, you run the risk of becoming discouraged and fail. Plus, in terms of business, if your goals are too narrow, there’s the chance for unethical behavior, taking risks and other irresponsible actions.
The Importance of Setting Goals
Have you ever taken the time to set goals for yourself (whether personally or professionally)?
Think about this: what would you like to accomplish in the next year? What about the next three years? Where would you like to be five years from now? What about ten years from now? Are there any aspirations that you’re looking forward to coming true?
Taking the time to SET goals for yourself is the very first step towards successfully achieving those goals. It is your roadmap that points you in the direction of success.
This is the step that will offer you the focus and will spur you on to action. Without taking this vital step, you won’t ever achieve anything.
Think about it – have you ever met someone who has a passive approach towards their life? They never set any goals for themselves; they simply live life “by the seat of their pants” and whatever happens, just happens.
You see them a year from now, even ten years from now, and their lives will essentially be precisely the same as they’re now, with a few minor changes because of the desires and actions of others more than their own.
Start Setting Your Goals
Now that you understand the reasons for setting goals, it’s time to start setting them. Take a moment to ask yourself: What are my personal goals for the next year? What about three years? What about five years? What about ten?
If you really take the time to set your goals, you’ll certainly grow as a person. When you spend just a little little bit of time verbalizing some aspirations you’ve had on your mind, you’ll make more progress in your life in one year than you’ll if you don’t do this.
Types of Goals
When you get ready to take the time to set your personal goals, you must know that there are several various kinds of goals. The kind that you set will depend completely on the situation and environment you’re in. Following are three of the essential types of goals:
- Purely Rational Goals: these are clear and concise
- Directional Planning Goals: these provide some general direction
- Breaking Through: these help you focus on dealing with current concerns
Purely Rational Goals
When it comes to business, people use purely rational goals. These goals are very clear and concise in nature and often numerical. Most of the time, purely rational goals use the SMART process (more on that later on) in order to create goals that are measurable.
Following are the questions you must ask yourself to set a purely rational goal:
- WHO: will anyone be involved in helping you to complete your goal?
- WHAT: what precisely is it that you want to be capable to achieve?
- WHERE: where particularly must you be in order to accomplish your goal?
- WHEN: when is your deadline for achieving your goal?
- WHICH: are there any considerations you must make in order to accomplish your goal?
- WHY: why precisely do you feel this goal is important?
Directional Planning Goals
These goals aren’t specific, but general. This type of goal setting process is perfectly acceptable for your long-term goals when the outcome can be predicted fairly easily and for those situations when others must be involved in the specifics.
Often, in the business realm, this sort of goal is used to check out topics such as cost/quality concerns, in addition to looking at abstract concerns such as behavior/attitude.
Breaking Through
In some cases, setting a goal will help you to “break through” an especially difficult situation. In most cases, this particular goal is unclear and the situation may be too difficult to actually understand what you want the direction to be.
These goals are generally used in terms of a crisis. You most likely already figured out that this sort of goal works well for those who can easily accept change and ambiguity.
Best Times to Use Various Types of Goals
In the business realm, you’ll come into contact with each of these three goals at some point or another. One thing you should know is that in the business realm, the best types of goals to use are rational and concrete.
Following is a proof of goal types and when to use them:
Rational Goals
Rational goals are best used with concrete topics such as cost, sales, quality, etc. They are best used i n short/medium time frames and w h e n a l l o f t h e information is clearly available.
There must be a clear commitment in order to make the goal occur. Rational goals a r e best u s e d w i t h new/inexperienced people w h o n e e d s o m e direction, and concrete/rational thinkers.
Directional Planning Goals
Directional Planning Goals are best used with the “big picture” or in situations where there isn’t any clear outcome. They are best used in the medium/long time frames when you want to give others the responsibility of clearly defining the outcome, or when there’s not plenty of information.
Creative people or those who are more experienced with goal setting will benefit the most from this sort of goal.
Breaking Through
Breaking Through Goals work well with a wide range of topics and can be adapted to any situations. They are best used in those situations when you’re in crisis and need more time to obviously define the issues. People who can accept the change are perfect for this type of goal.
Short-term Versus Long-term Goals
Short-term goals are those that occur on a fairly quick basis. On the other hand, long-term goals are those that take more time to accomplish. Here I will further explain these concepts.
Short-term Goals
A brief-term goal is a goal that you’d like to be capable to achieve in the near future. That can refer to today, this week, this month, or even this year. As it’s very basis, a short-term goal is something that can occur in 12 months or less.
Following are some examples:
- Take some classes
- Buy a new TV/computer/etc.
- Create your resume to find a new job
Long-term Goals
On the other hand, a long-term goal refers to something that you want to accomplish further into the future. These types of goals require time, effort, and planning.
Long-term goals aren’t something that can be achieved in a week or even a year. Most long-term goals take 12 months or more – sometimes even years to accomplish.
Following are some examples of long-term goals:
- Save money for retirement
- Graduate with a university degree
- Start your own business
Tips to Help You Set Long-Term Goals Following are some tips for setting long-term goals:
1) First of all, work backwards. Envision what you would like to accomplish and then choose the steps you must take to help you reach that goal. Think about the things you can do right now to begin your path.
2) Take some time to determine where you’d like to be in ten years and what you’d like your life to look like.
3) Now, consider what will need to be accomplished in five years, one year, and six months to keep you on your path to achieving your long-term goals.
4) Get a notebook and write down what you’ll need to do in order to accomplish your goals.
5) As you begin to make progress towards achieving your goals, re-evaluate and adjust as essential to keep you focused on your final goal.
Take Time to Prioritize
When you’re setting your goals, you must take some time to decide what you need to do first and how to adjust them when you need to. This is what is known as prioritizing.
Taking time to prioritize your goals (1) means that you take the time to decide what is most vital to you at this time in your life. Of course, all your goals are important to you, but you simply can’t do everything without delay. Here are some tips to help you prioritize your goals:
1) Think about what’s the most vital to you at this time.
2) Direct your focus on that particular goal.
3) As you become comfy with your efforts, add additional goals as necessary.
4) Always be flexible and willing to change your focus as your life (and society) begins to change.
Goals Should Be SMART
When setting your goals, remember that they should be SMART. What is that, you ask? SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based. Here is what all this means:
This means that when you define your goals, you should be detailed and precise. So, when you set your goal, you must ask yourself WHAT you’re going to do, and then give a clear and detailed answer.
This means that you should know when you finally achieve your goal. When setting your goal, you must ask yourself HOW you’ll know when you reach it. This will require numbers.
This means that your goal is more than simply a dream – it’s something you can in fact reach. When setting your goal, you must ask yourself HOW you’re going to accomplish it. Then, you must make your plan to accomplish it.
This means that you must be capable to achieve your goal within a selected timeframe. When setting your goal, you must ask yourself how long it will take you to reach it, and be utterly honest. Don’t give yourself an impossible time constraint.
This means that your timeframe is not open, but has a selected beginning and end. When setting your goal, you must ask yourself WHEN you plan to accomplish it. Then, you must be willing to take baby steps until you have reached it.
Many times, people make very general goals and then wonder why they can’t seem to accomplish anything. However, taking the time to make a goal SMART will give them the motivation essential to make things occur.
Tips to Achieve Your Goals
Now that you’ve learned how you should set your goals, it’s time to learn some tips for making those goals come to fruition. After all, there’s no point in taking the time and making the effort to set them if you’re not going to take some steps to accomplish them.
1) Commit yourself to achieving them
First of all, you must realize that achieving your goals will require lots of dedication and commitment.
There’s no way to avoid this. If there’s a selected goal that you’re having trouble committing to, return to the start and begin over. It may be that you didn’t really identify your goal correctly or perhaps you’re just essentially missing the motivation (2) to make it occur.
2) Track your progress to accomplish your goals
You already know that it’s important to take the time to write your goals down, right? Now, you must realize that it’s just as important to write down your progress to accomplish those goals.
There are goal tracking worksheets you can get that can help you do this, or apps for your phone/tablet/computer, or any other system that you can come up with.
The whole point of tracking your progress is to periodically check on yourself and see where you were, where you need to go, and where you are. This will help you to ensure you’re on the right track and that you’re not utterly going off into left field.
3) Break down the goals you’re trying to accomplish
Sure, it’s fantastic to have ambitious goals. However, those really big, ambitious goals can be quite difficult to accomplish. Still, if you take the time to break them down into a group of smaller goals, you’ll make reaching that big goal much more manageable.
4) Get some help to accomplish your goals
I can fully understand that you’re independent and want to do it all on your own. Believe me, I tend to be that way myself. However, reaching out to others for support or guidance can be an enormous help. Perhaps you need someone that can hold you accountable.
Even although your goals are very personal to you, the reality is, you’re not alone. Reach out to someone that you love and trust to help you to accomplish those goals. This will make things so much easier.
5) Keep focused on achieving your goals
Especially in terms of your long term-goals, it’s very important that you keep your focus on the big picture. Sure, there will be times when you’ll be focused only on what is in front of you and what you’re currently doing to accomplish your goals.
However, it’s crucial that you keep your destination in mind, so that you’re not distracted by other things. Plus, when you consider being successful, your motivation is much more likely to stay intact.
6) Be consistent with your actions to achieving your goals
Two things that are very important in terms of achieving your goals are consistency and routine. If you make a routine out of your process, it is going to be easier to keep it going. You don’t want to continually change the time when you check-in, or any other part of the process.
7) Always be positive on your way to achieving your goals
Okay, so maybe it sounds a bit cliché, but all the time thinking on the positive will help to propel you to success. Negative thoughts will in fact ruin the entire process of attaining your goals.
However, when you hit a roadblock or a challenge of some sort – and you’ll – thinking positive thoughts will help you to get past them.
I hope this text about how to set long term goals and achieve them was able to help you learn some useful ways to set and achieve your goals.
The next step is to take what you have learned and apply it to your life. After all, you must find out how to set specific and measurable goals AND reach them. There’s no reason to set goals if you’re not going to seriously pursue them, right?