How To Talk To a Girl For The First Time: 10 Flirting Tips That Works

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In today’s article you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to talk to a girl for the first time.

Let’s face it… one of the toughest hurdles for a guy to overcome is learning how to approach a girl and how to seduce her – without seeming too strong. The problem is that almost all guys do not consider this, and when the time comes, they find themselves frozen and cannot think of what to say to a girl who caught their eye!

However, once you learn some basic techniques, you’ll find that seducing a girl is much easier. So here are 10 ways to strike up a conversation with a girl – and look flawless while you do it!

How To Talk To A Girl For The First Time:

1. Make Him Laugh

Most girls admire guys who can make her laugh, but this is more about peppering the conversation with witty observations than telling jokes. Learn to integrate your humor into the flow of the conversation by making funny remarks and funny comments. Therefore, by no means should you make fun of him or ridicule him. The idea here is to make her laugh, not cringe.

2. Talk About Your Environment

If you are not sure what to say to a girl, you can begin a conversation about your environment. Wherever you are, you are sure to find something worth discussing. You might see someone wearing outrageous clothes, someone acting inappropriately, and so on – just ensure it is not one of his friends! Use whatever’s going on around you for conversation, particularly if he is showing some kind of reaction to it.

3. Let Him Know You’re Interested

Talking to a girl is not as easy as walking up to her and asking her out. This might work in movies, but generally in real life, it does not. A girl needs to know that you’re drawn to her so she can judge you. If you just walk up to a girl who does not have a clue that you are courting her, you might surprise her, and she’ll just tell you to “Go!” And clearly, that’s not what you want!

4. Play a Staring Game

A wonderful girl has just caught your eye! Now what? Well, first you want to get his attention.
Once he knows you are around, you can step things up a bit. Glance at him from time to time to pique his curiosity. Does he glance back at you? Does he smile to himself when you catch his eye?

There’s no point trying to determine how to talk to a girl if all she does is offer you dirty looks or does not care if you are looking at her. Approaching a girl in such cases, generally ends in failure. However, if he is playing the staring game, you are off to an incredible start!

5. Ask Her Opinion

One of the most efficient ways to strike up a conversation with a girl is to ask her opinion
on something. It works very good with topics that ladies like. This generally includes: fashion, relationships, celebrity gossip…you know, all the things girls like. The important thing to remember is to make it look like you are genuinely interested in getting his opinion.

For example, you could say: “My friend and I are disagreeing about something, maybe you can help
me with this.” Or “Why is 80s fashion making a comeback? What’s up with that?” If the question is interesting enough, she’ll take the opportunity to share her opinion! And there you have it, an easy way to start a conversation.

6. Be Confident

There’s nothing worse than looking like a nervous idiot, just fumbling and staring at the ground, trying to figure out what to say. When walking up to talk to a girl, exude confidence. Walk with your shoulders back and look him in the eye as you approach. Confidence shows that you are confident in yourself, but it also sends the message that you are sure that you are interested in a girl you are courting. Don’t go too far, though, or you’ll just come off as cocky – and most girls don’t like that.

7. Think of Interesting Stories

Make sure to always have some interesting and unique stories at your disposal. It should be a story that’s a smooth conversation starter like: “You would not believe it, but the craziest thing just happened to me!” Tell it like it’s so exciting, and you just need to share it with someone. If you say it nicely, he’ll be on the edge of his seat, wanting to know more.

Whatever you decide to talk about, make sure it makes you look good – you want it to
Appear confident and humorous, but not arrogant. These stories will set you apart from others, and will give him insight into your character, enough for him to want to know more.

8. Act Like a Man

If you’re planning to actually ask a girl out and not just flirt with her, then you better do it
get your act (and manners) together! While it’s true that there’s a girl out there for every guy and stray behavior is everywhere, the odds are in your favor if you act like a nice guy, not a jerk. A guy isn’t rude or rude, and he treats a girl with respect. The odds are very much in your favor, if any other guy she has approached has been less than classy – so you definitely have this for you!

9. Give Him a Genuine Compliment

It’s easy to compliment the first thing you notice about a girl, like her hair or clothes, but a good compliment goes much deeper. So, this teasing tip requires you to be a little more creative! Find something that you really like about him, something that’s subtle and that shows you really care about him.

For example, you could tell him you admire his laugh, or the kindness he shows to everyone he talks to. He will definitely notice your efforts.

10. Be on Top of Current Events

Before you go out, read today’s news and stay up-to-date with celebrities
gossip and entertainment news. It is the perfect material for conversation. You’ll want to pay special attention to the latest celebrity bad behavior – which isn’t hard because there’s something new every week. This is one of the simplest seduction techniques, and there are many ways to use it.

For example, if you see someone who drinks too much, you can compare them to the drunken celebrity of the week! He’ll laugh, and you’ll communicate that you understand what’s going on in the world.

While flirting with a girl takes courage, always approach a girl without fear of rejection, and remember that if you do get rejected, there are lots of other potential dates! So embrace the possibility of acceptance!

The next time you see a girl you’d like to talk to, try these techniques, and let us know
How is the result!

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article on how to talk to a girl for the first time. I really hope that its content has been of good help to you.