How To Turn a Bad Day Around In 30 Minutes Or Less: 8 Best Strategies

If you want to understand how to turn a bad day around, you’ll love this article. Don’t you just hate those days?…where nothing seems to go right. Nothing goes your way and you sink into frustration and despair, wishing you could crawl back into bed, and just try again tomorrow.
Well don’t feel alone because bad days occur to the better of us. They can be triggered by the smallest of things, and the rest of your day continues downhill. You feel low on energy, sad, stressed and worried…and all of these factors drag you down and kill your productivity.
Well these tough days can only make us stronger and prepare us for the challenges that lie ahead. When we lose hope for the future, that’s the real disaster. While advice isn’t all the time easy to accept or put into practise when things aren’t going your way, let’s have a look at few methods to deal with or overcome a bad day.
How To Turn a Bad Day Around:
1. Accept that it’s okay to have a bad day.
Rather than beating yourself up over the day so far, try to realise that’s it part of your journey. You can’t be perfect in an imperfect world, and believing that you can have control over everything is just going to lead to disappointment. Also, without having bad days, how are you supposed to recognise and appreciate good ones?
By acknowledging that you’re having a bad day, you can accept it and deal with it as
such, and move forward to tomorrow. The bad day will pass. Today will be over, and tomorrow will bring new opportunities. Sometimes, things must go wrong before they can go right! Try putting it into perspective…will this day really matter in a week, a month, or a year from now?
2. Remember that each situation is a learning experience.
Try to look at each situation as a lesson learned – both good and bad. The experience itself will pass, but the lessons you learn from it will last a lifetime. When encountering a new situation, ask yourself: What am I able to learn or take away from this experience? Try to remember that progress is not all the time easy to see.
Just remember that you’re getting stronger – not from only having good days, but because you’ve made it through the tough ones. In saying this, pay attention when the bad days really start to pile up – is there a bigger issue going on that you need to deal with? Be kind but honest with yourself.
3. Be grateful
There is a lot to be thankful for. When things don’t go our way, that tends to be what we focus on, but there’s so much in your life to be thankful for. By being grateful for what you for all you have in life, you are putting your bad day into perspective. Remember that there’s all the time someone worse off than you, and many of individuals in the world who would love to have your struggles.
Gratitude creates a positive source of energy in your brain, and can help to lift your mood.
There have been neuroimaging studies showing that’s it’s essentially impossible to be in a depressed state and grateful at the same time.
4. Adopt a healthier lifestyle
Adopting a healthier lifestyle can have an incredible impact on your overall mood and
mental state also.
Exercise. Although you may not feel like, getting moving will stimulate blood flow and a release of endorphins – the ‘feel good’ hormone. Exercising can increase your energy levels and help you deal with stress more effectively. This will also take your mind off the bad day you might be having and help to deal with all the negative feelings. Give your mind a rest and work your body instead.
Going for a healthier food option rather than that comfort food of a chocolate bar or bag
of chips can even be extremely effective in lifting your mood. Easier said than done although, right? If you must go for chocolate, try dark chocolate, which has been shown to help
in treating depression and anxiety by enhancing serotonin and dopamine production in your brain.
Foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon, almonds, and walnuts will also
boost serotonin levels in your brain, which functions with a ‘feel-good’ effect. Choosing better carb sources such as brown wholegrain breads rather than white will stave off that ‘flat’ feeling, as they’re more nutritional and have a lower GI.
Foods high in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6, such as bananas and apples, also boost the serotonin in the brain to provide you with that needed boost and lessen your bad mood. So choose wisely!
5. Get a good night’s sleep.
One of the most vital factors for the health and to recover from a bad day is to
get 8 hours of quality sleep. This allows the body to rest and recover from the physical effects of stress, and you’re able to start the next day with a fresh perspective.
When you’re lose to going to bed, shut off electronic devices and have the lights dimmed….this will assist in your body winding down for sleep, and provide you with an opportunity to focus on shutting down your mind from the day.
6. Sign out of Facebook.
The book of faces and all social media are great at bringing people together, but there
are negative impacts related to their use as well.
Studies have shown that continually checking social media can really trigger depression
as we start to compare our lives to those of our friends, which create feelings of inadequacy. Keep in mind that almost all people are only putting their best foot forward and you are comparing your life to somebody’s highlight reel of what they chose to share publicly.
7. Change it up
You can change things up. Instead of remaining bolted to your work desk when you’re having a bad day, a change of scenery can help to tell your brain that your current mood doesn’t need to be sustained. Maybe you can go for a brief drive, a walk outside, or simply go someplace different within your workplace.
If you must, escape to the toilet cubicle! They key here is to remove yourself from the current environment, even if only briefly.
8. Reset realistic expectations of yourself.
Expectations can have a dramatic effect on your mood. Lots of bad days can kick off when you have unrealistic expectations about what you might achieve that day, ending in disappointment.
If I’m expecting my boss to give me a Christmas bonus of a thousand dollars, but I end up
getting $400, I’ll be pretty disappointed. If I realise that I’m already paid well enough to maintain a lucky lifestyle and that I’m grateful for what I have in my life…and then my boss gives me a $200 gift card for noticing my efforts, I’m going to be pretty happy with that gesture – It’s all about perspective.
If your mood is deteriorating because it’s after lunch and you feel like you haven’t
got far today, don’t worry. Try and write down a few things that you have already done today, no matter how minor, and then make a brief list of achievable goals for the rest of the day…this way, you’re starting off the new list at say 25% complete already!
While we can’t stop bad things from happening, we can control how we respond to them.
It is common for people to overthink many situations and make their problems seem much
worse than they really are.
Don’t allow your mind to keep you captive!
Also, having a bad day doesn’t mean that you’re having a bad life. Remember that everybody has bad days, and lots of people would love to swap for yours…Try to see past your fears and inadequacies, block out the negative feelings, and be prepared to tackle new opportunities and experiences.
Thank you for reading this article about how to turn a bad day around and I actually hope that you take action my advice. I wish you good luck and that I hope its contents have been a good help to you.