Top 15 Reasons Why You Won’t Achieve Anything At Work

Admit it. You are wasting your time and energy. And you move like a hamster, but you do not move forward. Frustrating, right? You’re exhausted, but you do not know how to change it. So let me show you why you achieve nothing at your job. Let’s start a new, better work life. Now I’m going to provide you with 15 reasons why you will not achieve anything at work, and positively not succeed. Enjoy.
Why You Won’t Accomplish Anything at Work
1. Work is your obsession.
You bring it to your house. You could not be more emotionally involved outside of work. You do not have time for leisure, real relaxation, without phone calls and business emails. And it’s exactly this inability to rest that prevents you from achieving success at work. Relaxing with family, friends, pets, or simply some solitude after work will let you mentally recharge and carry on with renewed energy.
2. You do not spend too much time at work REALLY working.
Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. snapchat. Ask. Any other? All social media reduces your productivity at work. Work on assignments for a few hours, then enjoy browsing your friends’ status updates, shopping online, or trolling bloggers.
3. You are still rebelling against development.
Your employer changed the work system. It introduces modern tools. It improves on a system you have worked on for so long that your laptop’s glory days date back to an earlier era. You do not like change. After all, the comfort zone is very comfy. Come on, make a promise, you will not have the ability to pull like this for long. Stop resisting and accept that sometimes (also at work) you must go with the times and permit yourself to use new technology. They are designed to make life easier, not harder. Just open yourself up to it.
4. You work with limited awareness.
I like sleeping. You most likely do too, but maybe you are not sleeping well enough, and you wake up every once in a while. Do you charge the phone beside the bed? Didn’t every “peak” and backlit screen wake you up accidentally? To sleep a little more “sober” (no matter how strange that may sound), try charging the phone in another room, and if that’s your alarm clock, on the other end of the room. You’ll wake up quicker in the morning when you must wriggle out of the warm embrace of the blanket to turn off the 6am squeaky engine.
5. You are overtrained.
You take part in training after training. Workshop after workshop. You hardly find time to truly do your job, because on the calendar, during working hours, you have other trainings. Come on, you do not need ONE training to do your job well and get satisfaction out of it. Relax and begin using what you really know.
6. You aren’t the right person for the task.
You study and practice, and you still make mistakes. Frustrating, right? Admit that this task is not for you. It does not suit you. It does not answer. Solution? Give this job to someone who can do it/does it/has the time, while you do your job where you are good at it.
7. Or do you let other people take advantage of you?
Everyone uses your mind, and you let them use it. You are helping everybody around you by forgetting yourself and your own responsibilities. Thanks to this, they will achieve success, and you’ll watch it. Maybe it is time to take care of yourself and others?
8. It’s also possible that you work in a mess.
Researchers at Princeton University Neuroscience Institute say that clutter in your work environment significantly reduces your concentration and data processing. You do not have to work in perfect order, but at least take out the trash and take the cup to the kitchen, from where a new life form will soon emerge.
9. You do not take up a challenge.
You work quietly in your box and are afraid to expose your nose to your comfort zone and take on some interesting challenges. Realize that no job can be done well if you do not break patterns of action. Start doing more and see how you can achieve success.
Perfectionism is also an effective killer of spectacular success. Why? You leave no room for any mistakes. Your desk is set in a straight line. And, surprisingly, you achieve far less than you expect. Focus less on perfecting all the details and more on learning from possible mistakes. Let go of perfectionism and be more forgiving. It will pay off.
10. You are a procrastinator.
You start a project, but you do not return it on time, you start another project hoping that you’re going to return to the previous one or that you’re going to do it yourself. You put everything on hold for the last minute and then you go crazy trying to get it back on time. Did you manage to attain a lot this way? I doubt it. Stop putting things off until the everlasting tomorrow or everlasting Monday. Work when you must and complete tasks before time. Surprise yourself.
11. Your job bores you.
Boring. Boring. And more boredom. From time to time you must kindle a fire of motivation and will to do something interesting that you’re going to fulfill yourself and won’t go out after 3 months. Maybe it is time to consider changing the job or tasks you do regularly?
12. You lower your head.
You sit in your hole and watch work spiral out of control. You do not say anything, you do not react until you hit the wall and you cannot keep working. Don’t let it occur. You deserve to be heard. Ask questions, react and speak respectfully about things that do not suit you. Share your problems and begin succeeding.
13. You want to do everything yourself.
You avoid teamwork. And while independence at work is highly valued, good teamwork can over time provide you with a good productive boost. Learn to work with other people, groups exist to support one another and complete tasks. Give it an opportunity.
Or maybe the opposite is true? Maybe you are a follower and still waiting for somebody to tell you what to do? If no C explains, you barely act. If you want to attain something, do not be afraid to take risks and sometimes make easy and hard decisions yourself.
14 You are addicted to multitasking.
You think that multitasking will let you take on several important tasks without delay, but in reality, you do much less than if you devoted all of your attention to a single challenge. You spend more time fixing bugs when you do everything without delay than working on something new. The undeniable fact that you are not multitasking is okay, no one is. Work on one project at a time. You will achieve so much more.
15. You do not understand how to manage your time.
This is among the biggest problems. You forget about important meetings, because they’re out of your mind. You run like you are excited to get as many things as you can, and it still does not work out for you. You talk to your friends about bullshit rather than doing your job. Learn to plan your day. Make a to-do list. View your achievements. This will let you have control over yourself and your time at work.
Change starts with you. You can achieve a lot if you want. Don’t be like the others. Don’t be sheep in a blind flock to be slaughtered. Start working wisely, and wisely, does not imply it is hard.
What do you recognize from the points above?