What Can The Brain Do: Find Out How Amazing Is The Human Brain

Want to know what the brain can do? Then you are in the right place.
The human brain is astonishing! It still fascinates and astonishes. It’s like a computer that takes care of thinking, speaking, remembering, feeling, seeing, hearing. The abilities can be exchanged endlessly. Since the start of time it has been the subject of scientific research. Even although we already know so much about it, we still have many astonishing discoveries ahead of us. In this article I will share some astonishing facts about the human brain that few people have ever heard of! Here are some astonishing facts:
What the Brain Can Do:
The brain has its requirements.
“I have a heavy head.” How true this term is in relation to the weight of our brains. It is quite heavy as it weighs between 1.3 and 1.4 kilograms. It represents about 2% of the total human body weight. Heavy weight is an equally high need for the brain. It draws in about 20% of our energy and the oxygen we breathe. It continuously needs glucose, without which a hypoglycemic attack can occur. Diabetics are well aware of this fact and they should regularly check the sugar level in their body.
The brain is also a specialist in connection
Imagine that the cerebral cortex can stretch to the size of four A4 sheets. Try to put 100 billion dots on each sheet of paper. This is not the end of the story. Now connect these dots to 100 billion dots. The thought was spinning in the head. In it our minds have so many connections. The length of the blood vessels in the brain is about 161 kilometers. See how rich we all are!
The brain doesn’t feel pain.
It is free from the receptors responsible for pain. However, the strange thing is that it’s in the brain that pain in other parts of the body is detected and interpreted. Therefore, doctors don’t use anesthesia during brain surgery. In addition, patients undergoing such operations don’t need to faint. But around the brain, in addition to on the scalp, there are already pain receptors, and any injury can be very painful in these areas.
The brain is a really strong person.
There is no time pressure on our minds. The fact is that it can transmit information at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the brain is capable of producing up to 25 watts of energy. This is enough power to power a low wattage LED bulb.
The brain can feed itself.
Are you on a crash diet and feel like your mind is working against you? That’s right. If you eat too little, you get a message from your brain that your cells are hungry. Without adequate food energy, brain cells begin to eat themselves up. They need it to release fatty acids. This is the so-called autophagy, it’s partially necessary for the efficient functioning of the human body. However, prolonged and extreme hunger strikes can negatively affect brain function.
The brain and the amygdala are an explosive mix.
The amygdala is the part of the brain that’s the control center for our emotions. When we feel snug and relaxed, the more rational part of the brain, the new cortex, kicks in. But if someone makes us angry and nervous, then the amygdala springs into action. It sends out a number of signals, which make us feel anxious, anxious, angry and sick.
If amygdala activity reaches high levels, looking for empathy within us is a waste of time. From now on, there is no way we can be compassionate and delicate. This emotional storm passes as the almond body reduces its activity and new skin overwhelms us.
The brain distinguishes three states in which the human body is
The first state is happiness and relaxation. Then a person feels very snug with himself, happy and loved. The world appears to be heaven. The second state is activation, in which the mind identifies a threat. As a result, you can feel anger, anxiety and lots of other negative emotions. Here the world becomes a scary place. The last state is “gradual death”. When the danger is too great, we haven’t any way out, it’s blocked. We are accompanied by apathy, withdrawal or depression. The world is an empty and hopeless place.
But the brain is plastic!
American scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have proven that as the synapse gets stronger, its neighbors weaken. By introducing new habits and learning new reactions, we allow our minds to create paths for themselves. However, the old path we used until now has become weaker.
The brain’s role here is to stop us from using established patterns that aren’t beneficial to us. This happens when we try to introduce new patterns to cope better with life. Therefore, skillful development of emotional intelligence is important to create brain pathways.
The brain can surprise you too!
Reading this article now, you are using your precious eyes to do it. What I’m about to say now may sound preposterous. The part responsible for the smooth operation of your eye is far from your eye. The occipital lobe at the back of your head is responsible for your ability to see. So watch out with this area of your head. Vision problems, or even vision loss, may be related to an occipital impact.
The brain is better than most modern computers and systems.
That’s right. Firstly, it has an infinite capacity of billions, processing 1016 data per second. Secondly, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claim that Apple supporters are different from Android owners. In the human brain there are also areas that are activated by faith, amongst other things. Interestingly, Apple devices work on this part of the user’s brain.
Does this mean that someday someone will really create zombies? All you need is a mutant virus with the ability to spread quickly and be done with it. The potential of the human brain is endless. Therefore, it is important to realize how strong the organs we have.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article on what the brain can do. I actually hope that its content has been of good help to you.