What Is Positive Thinking And What Is Not [And Why You Need It]

Want to know what is positive thinking? Then you’re in the right place. Positive thinking is an idea that’s used in personality or motivation seminars in addition to in corresponding guidebook literature. Further synonyms are “new thinking,” “correct thinking,” “power thinking” or “mental positivism.” Positive thinking is not to be confused with positive psychology.
Positive thinking means seeing one’s environment and fellow human beings in a positive light. Positive thinking also means taking a positive attitude towards future events.
What Is Positive Thinking
If, on the other hand, one sees a person who has only failed in his private and experienced life, it’s hardly conceivable that this person can adopt the attitude of “positive thinking.” He lacks any reason to see anything from a positive perspective. He radiates the negative and thereby receives negative feedback from his fellow human beings. He is in a real vicious circle, from which it is quite difficult to get out again.
Strictly speaking, one can only think positively if one can justify this thinking to oneself. The justification can be derived, for example, from professional and personal successes.
But even the man plagued by failures can free himself from his vicious circle: If, for example, he becomes aware of his strengths (everybody has strengths!) and builds on these strengths, he can reap his first small successes by these strengths. Now he too has the opportunity to think positively with good reason.
Let us not forget: If positive thinking is not put into our cradle, we will be unable to think positively within a few days. Only when this positive thinking is anchored in our unconscious and is consistently nourished by positive experiences, do we involuntarily think positively.
Everybody’s in a bad mood. Negative thoughts, however, have a far-reaching influence on well-being. By easy tricks in everyday life, everybody can become a more positive and balanced person.
There are times when everything is simply too much. Even people and things we normally like get on our nerves. A good piece of advice, a cheerful laugh or well-intentioned advice are than even a burden. We would prefer to avoid the continually positive.
Human brain reacts more strongly to negative than positive effects
This is due, for example, to the undeniable fact that we have been overburdened for a long time or that the high demands of our private and experienced lives aren’t sufficiently offset by recovery. It influences our brain because the almond kernels as stress processing sites are getting bigger and greater and more vulnerable to stress, annoyance & Co., the more often we have it.
Anyway, our brain loves problems more than positives. In the history of mankind, this served survival, so that we could think about danger. This has taken on a life of its today: We no longer relativize, no longer see how much pleasant, significant, charming there’s at the same time.
There are absolutely quite a few who think positive thinking is hocus-pocus. But in fact, optimism has many benefits for health, social interaction and general well-being.
Pessimistic contemporaries like to justify their attitude by pointing out that they would like to see the world realistically. However, positive thinking has nothing to do with lying to oneself and has numerous advantages. When viewed with optimism, obstacles can often be overcome better, defeats overcome more easily and crises overcome with greater strength.
How positive thinking and optimism promote health
The advantages that positive thinking brings with it are first and foremost evident on the spiritual level. Although optimists fail just as often as negative thinkers, they get over it more easily and therefore don’t make life so difficult for themselves. They see failures as temporary, short-term setbacks and see obstacles as challenges rather than insurmountable hurdles. This makes it easier for them to deal constructively with the adversities of life.
Positive thinking doesn’t must stop people from reflecting on their mistakes, i.e., from deluding themselves. Rather, they see their mistakes as an incentive to do better next time. Who fails with fun at the joy and then rises just as cheerfully again, is not frustrated so fast, puts itself less under pressure and doesn’t get so easily under negative stress – which humans rather paralyzes than incites.
The perception of optimists is normally more alert and attentive since positive thinking also makes one curious. Those who have a benevolent attitude towards themselves are more balanced and relaxed and therefore develop better memory, are more creative and imaginative. As a result, positive thinking is also full of advantages for physical health, since a relaxed attitude counteracts stress-related diseases.
What positive thinking is and what it brings you
Positive thinking means seeing the famous “half-full glass” in a situation, i.e. perceiving its positive aspects rather than its negatives. It also means having the confidence to believe in successes and opportunities and to tackle things that others don’t think are possible. Almost all the great successes in history must do with positive thinking: Someone believed in an virtually unbelievable possibility and implemented it. Positive thinking has many advantages for your life:
Focusing on the great things makes you happy.
Whoever sees the bad things, the risks and failures are soon paralyzed. Positive thinking keeps you capable of action and ensures that you can at all times get up and go on.
Thinking positive makes you healthier: He who believes in his healing has a far better chance of defeating even bad diseases.
Optimism is a very important prerequisite for professional and private success.
When you learn positive thinking, you learn a second important lesson: You are the master of your thoughts, you can decide for yourself up to a certain point what you think. This opens up utterly new possibilities!
A positive view of yourself and your success strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem. Positive thinking makes you open for new things and helps you to broaden your horizon.
It has been found that the sensory organs of individuals with a positive attitude function better. Negative thinking doesn’t only seem to lead in a figurative sense to the undeniable fact that we “close our eyes.”
What positive thinking is NOT
Many people first roll their eyes with regards to “positive thinking”. The reason is a misconception of what it in fact means. Positive thinking doesn’t mean simply ignoring everything negative. And it doesn’t mean at all to just dance through the world animatedly, as some might imagine it. Optimism is just as realistic as pessimism: after all, there’s virtually nothing that is just positive or only negative. We decide which aspects we think about.
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