What Skills Are Employers Looking For? 10 Skills Employers Want Most

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This new article will show you everything you need to know about what skills employers are attempting to find.

The job market is evolving and it is extremely important that you understand what employers are attempting to find in terms of professional skills and can stand out from the crowd of other job seekers with your skills.

Each unique position has a special skill set; therefore, you must be willing to go out of your way to make sure that you have the professional skills that will make you employable in today’s job market.

Marketing is an ever-evolving aspect of any business, all thanks to advances in technology. The changes are dynamic and require dynamic professionals to adapt to the current job market, so you’ll also need to keep up with and update your professional skills.

Hiring managers and potential employers at all times have specific skills for a job opening and if you do not have what they want, your chances of getting a good job are slim.

Read on as we have a look at ten professional skills employers are attempting to find in today’s job market.

What Skills Are Employers Looking For?

Computer And Technical Skills #1

There is hardly a job on the market today that doesn’t require at least working knowledge or competency in the use of information technology equipment and software.

However, many job candidates do not remember to include this section on their resume.

You will need to include a ‘Systems Proficiency’ or ‘Technical Skills’ section in your resume if the position you are seeking requires computer skills.

Of course, if the job position you are applying for deals with technology such as Java, SQL, .NET or Linux, etc., include that in your resume as well.

#2 Problem Solving Skills and Creativity

Unforeseen circumstances at all times arise in any workplace, which is why planning is not easy to implement. However, employers are attempting to find individuals who can offer solutions quickly if things go off course.

They also highly value creativity (a most underrated, but invaluable soft skill) in addition to the ability to come up with workable answers that go unnoticed by others.

Being resourceful is a much-needed virtue in employers, and if you can solve problems on the go, then you are on your way to the top.

#3 Leadership/Management Skills

There is an endless debate about whether leadership is an innate trait or something that needs to be learned.

However, the ability to lead and manage your co-workers is a crucial skill that you should master.

You can highlight these skills by mentioning them in your cover letter or resume as a goal-driven leader who can maintain a productive climate.

Leadership/management skills also require the ability to mobilize, encourage and train other employees so that high performance standards can be met in a brief period of time.

#4 Adaptive thinking/Flexibility Skills

Some employees are very obedient with regards to doing their job. However, as mentioned earlier, few things are perfectly planned as several factors can derail plans.

Employers need people who are quick to adapt to sudden changes and versatile enough to change positions without batting an eye when new information or data is presented for necessary changes.

Today’s fast-paced, technology-driven work environment makes these essential skills a necessity for job candidates looking to stay relevant in their chosen field.

#5 Teamwork Skills

If you have worked for a large organization in the past, you are likely part of a team assigned to carry out tasks.

Having team player skills is important!

Do you work well with other team members and complete delegated tasks on time? Do you offer help to other team members so that they too can quickly complete the tasks assigned to them? Are you an asset to any team you cannot work with without?

This and much more is important in keeping the team spirit alive. When you work as a team you tend to attain more and this makes these specialised skills key ingredients in the job market for professionals.

#6 Organizational Skills

One of the highly effective professional skills you must have that employers are at all times attempting to find is organizational skills.

You need to understand how to effectively plan and implement projects and customary tasks for yourself and others.

No employer likes disorganized or jumbled employees, as this is a waste of time and money.

This means that if you have trouble organizing and planning then you need to make a conscious effort to improve and arm yourself with these skills.

#7 Communication Skills

Communication is not all about speaking the language clearly; it’s about portraying active listening in addition to excellent presentation and writing competence.

These skills are highly sought after because not everybody can explain technical concepts in a straightforward way to non-tech-savvy customers, partners or co-workers.

People often have difficulty communicating effectively, and this has the potential to slow down businesses in a speed-driven world.

#8 Research Skills

Do you understand how to go the extra mile to get information that nobody else has the patience or skill to find? Then you are in luck because this is another very necessary skill.

Employers are at all times attempting to find individuals who are skilled at evaluating situations and seeking multiple points of view.

They also need employees who can find and compile hard-to-find, insightful information at any time.

#9 Critical Thinking

It involves the ability to use experience, reasoning, imagination, research and available resources to determine problems and come up with solid decisions.

You can mention or highlight these skills during the interview by citing an example or two of a period or two at your previous job where the company got entangled in a sticky situation, and how your critical thinking skills helped solve it.

You can even highlight these skills in your cover letter, and this could pave the way for you to be given an interview.

#10 Emotional Intelligence

These are skills that are normally not listed in most job descriptions. But it’s a skill that’s in high demand because it conveys your ability not only to identify your own emotions and those of others but also to manage them efficiently.

If you have the ability or skills to talk a coworker who is having a bad day into staying on task, then congratulations! You will be perceived as someone with high emotional intelligence, and potential employers will enjoy working with you.

These professional skills are important tools that will keep you relevant in your industry. Don’t neglect the need or importance of updating yourself with information and skills related to keeping up with emerging trends and technologies.

If you have not added any new skills to your resume recently, you may want to re-evaluate and work on any gaps. Remember that professionals are dynamic and at all times evolving, so you should grow too!

Thank you for reading this article about what skills employers are attempting to find and I actually hope you take action on my suggestions. I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.