Why Organic Food Is Better For You And Environment: 10 Reasons

If you have ever wondered why organic food is better, this article is for you.
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s simple to overlook the importance of good nutrition.
Too often, it is easier to grab a fast meal after a long day at work or stop by your local coffee shop before work in the morning than it’s to make a healthy, home-cooked meal with organic ingredients.
However, many do not realize that eating healthy and selecting organic foods can offer you more energy than you realize.
The big change for many is the price of organic food which is admittedly increased compared to its cheaper, same-tasting counterparts.
This is where it is vital to weigh the pros and cons. Having a better understanding of what organic food is, and how it was raised or grown will further assist you in deciding whether or not you want to make the switch.
Why Organic Food Is Better For You
1. Tastes Delicious
The mindset most people have is that if it is healthy, it most likely will not be as tasty. This is not right. Organic vegetables are produced with balanced soil which in turn grows healthy plants that you enjoy eating.
2. No Added Fancy Chemicals
Very easy, the more natural foods we consume, the healthier we are.
When you choose organic food, you are choosing to eat fresh food with no added ingredients. Food additives have been linked to some serious health problems such as heart disease and asthma.
3. Keeping Our Soil Healthy
Although many do not realize it, we need land for virtually everything our bodies consume; which means we must take very excellent care of it.
Animals live in the soil and plants grow in it. Organic farming (1) build and maintain healthy soil.
4. No More Pesticides
Pesticide residues are generally found in conventionally grown fruits and veggies.
In 2004, the European Commission stated that this could pose a health risk. Organically grown crops don’t contain pesticides which dramatically reduces health risks.
5. Drug Free Organic Animals
Many conventionally raised animals aren’t well fed.
Some were given a by-product from corn ethanol production which increases the level of E-coli contamination, while others were given arsenic to accelerate weight gain or give the meat a certain color after slaughter.
Organically raised chickens freed from salmonella and other organically raised animals contain less disease-causing bacteria.
6. Healthier Workers
In addition to the health benefits you get from buying organic food, you are also helping to stop diseases such as Parkinson’s disease to which farmers working on conventional produce farms may be exposed.
Don’t just take care of yourself, stop and consider the people who grow your food. They have the right to be equally healthy.
7. Take Care of Your Little One’s Health
If you have kids, then you understand how easily they get sick. Children don’t have an immune system like adults. They are more likely to get sick.
Conventionally grown plants and animals that aren’t organically raised contain toxins and impurities that you want to keep young kids away from.
8. Get More Nutrition
Some people hate fruit and vegetables but eat them anyway because they know they’re good for you. Why not get more out of those plants and fruits by going organic.
Many studies have shown that organic food has more nutritional value (2) than conventionally processed and grown foods.
9. Organic Food Is Good for Animals
All the pesticides and additives found in conventionally grown and raised foods do not just affect humans. Animals exposed to these pesticides are also affected.
Let’s help keep the animals on earth happy and healthy by going organic.
10. Higher Standard
We only have one life to live. Let’s set a higher bar for what we put into our bodies just as the bar for getting organic certification has been raised.
There are strict procedures that must be followed before any type of food is given certification.
Eating organic food is a personal choice. Health is something that is usually ignored by many people. What everybody should realize is that without our health, nothing else really matters.
Working hard five days a week to pay your rent means nothing when you catch a deadly sickness from salmonella. These days, every type of food has organic alternatives.
Make the switch slowly but definitely, and you’ll absolutely see and feel a difference in your body.
Thanks for reading this article on why organic food is better for you and I actually hope you take my advice into action. I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.