17 Practical Tips For New Parents From Someone Who Has 4 Kids

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If you have ever wondered what are some great tips for new parents: this article is for you.

So you just took a test and it came back positive?

Usually a positive test in the medical field is bad news, but in your case, you are excited


You will become parents.

You call your mom and father to tell them the big news. You call other family and friends so you can celebrate. Everyone is happy for the new member of your family and you cannot wait for him to arrive.

But wait a minute.

You think, “What do I need to do or know to prepare for this little person who is coming?”

Your family and friends may now be overwhelming you with really bad advice.

The fact is, your parents and most certainly your friends will be in front of you and in your path or invisible without any contribution.

Being a new parent is tough and you need all the help and support you can get, but sometimes those who help too much do not help at all, and those who do not help enough may not be very good friends. you think.

I’m writing this text because I was a new parent once. I have 4 kids who are all school age, I remember what stress felt like.

Becoming a new parent should be thrilling, not stressful. With the right tips and advice.

I want to help new parents.

You may or may not have a large support system. Either way I wrote this article to help anyone enjoy the powerful and fantastic experience of parenthood.

Here he’s…. 17 Tips for new parents.

1. Health

A healthy mother is a happy mother.

Have the best balanced diet you can. Eat lots of raw fruits and veggies. I suggest you mix smoothies and or juice twice a day. This will provide you with the energy you need without the caffeine.

2. Prepare beforehand

Whether it is preparing for the arrival of your new baby or simply packing your diaper bag the night before.

Preparation reduces stress.

When you are done packing your diaper bag, leave it at the front door. It is also important that you keep backups. I suggest keeping your spare bag in the trunk of your car for emergencies.

3. Relax

Relaxing with your baby may seem impossible, but that’s not the case. Just because you are a new parent doesn’t suggest you cannot have fun.

My husband and that I, even with a baby we still go to the films, have dinner, take walks in the park, and whatever else relaxes you.

If you want to see a movie and do not feel comfy taking your child to an actual theater, check to see if your city has drive-in lodgings.

Drive inn’s are more convenient, a mother can breastfeed privately and you do not have to worry about the noise.

4. Create a support team.

Discuss with your family and friends beforehand. After you give birth for the first time there are various things that may need to be done
will be handled by someone else.

It is important that you have a reliable support team. Not to take charge but to help you in any task that can be delegated.

I highly recommend you pay a Nanny or personal support worker. There are plenty out there willing to work for an amazing price.

5. Maintain your social life.

Time with friends is important. No matter what, make time for your friends. The only purpose of friends is to be there when you need them. Go out once a week, have a drink, sit and talk.

No matter what, take time to socialize, you will need it.

6. It’s okay if your baby cries

Let’s face it.

At that point it may seem impossible to get your baby to stop crying. We love our kids, crying and seeing them in tears is not a sight parents like.

Try to understand that sometimes your baby will cry for no reason.

When your child seems really upset and you have tried everything to calm him down. Get your baby down.

It does not matter.

Place your child in their crib or playpen and leave the room. This does not make you a bad parent. Turn on your baby monitor, sit down, watch TV, and try again a couple of minutes later.

7. Play some relaxing music.

Studies have shown that babies respond best to relaxing sounds of nature and soft music (1).

Play a soothing song 45 minutes before you rock your baby to sleep. This will make the process easier.

8. Don’t wake your baby to feed.

Your baby will let you know when it is time to eat. Never wake a sleeping baby unless you have a concern or doctor’s orders. It is just as important that your baby gets a good night’s sleep.

9. Take a warm bath before going to bed

Another trick to help your baby sleep well is to take a warm bath with your baby an hour before bedtime.

A warm bath releases tension in the muscles, leaving your little one feeling refreshed, relaxed and prepared for bed.

10. Swaddling

To cheer up a fussy baby, you can try swaddling. Swaddling is like wrapping your baby in a blanket like a burrito. It mimics the uterus, making the baby feel comfy, safe and guarded.

When putting your baby to sleep, swaddle him and rock him forward and backward.

You’re welcome.

11. Ask for help/ Receive help

This is among the most significant tips.

Being a new parent can be difficult

sometimes and good assistance is hard to find.

Ask for help, nobody will care and anyone who truly loves you’ll at least offer their help sometimes.

12. Let daddy get his hands dirty.

All my husband wanted was to be more involved with our first child. I foolishly treated my husband like a child, as if he could destroy our baby.

I was wrong, and due to this I caused a strain on our relationship.

Remember, Dad wants time with the baby and it’s his right to have it.

13. Stay away from Dad.

So you end up trusting your partner with the child you two created together. Great, now here comes the challenging part.

Stay out of daddy’s way.

Let him take care of everything when it is his turn. Don’t judge, criticize or fuss. You are ruining precious time for daddy and baby.

Let him handle everything, leave the house for an hour. Enjoy your mom duty off time.

Hint: If she needs to lock the nursing room door just to change a diaper…..you are doing it wrong.

Take a step back.

14. No kids? No need for advice.

The very first thing you will notice is that unexpectedly all your irresponsible friends unexpectedly know everything to do with raising a child.

Don’t bother listening to their suggestions or criticism. Trust me, it will occur. Your friends will offer the worst advice. I’m not saying it is all bad advice but take it with a grain of salt.

Only you as a parent know deep down what is right for you and your baby (2).

Get rid of those friends, replace them with friends who have kids. You can thank me later.

15. Ignore homework

The house is okay!

Let it go, you are a new parent and getting into the groove after giving birth can be tiring.

Don’t mind the mess too much, as a new parent it is best to get used to it now before your child is old enough to step on tiny Lego pieces walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Trust me, it happens

16. Hire help

Help is not hard to find in this economy.

I suggest you find an experienced personal support worker who may not only help with your baby but can take care of other tasks around the house such as washing, washing dishes and preparing meals.

You can all the time find a psw that is fairly priced and willing to negotiate.

17. Buy used and leave it to me

Exactly as written, buy used and leave it to me.

Why waste money buying new baby clothes and accessories that you can easily get from your friends, family and neighbors.

Thanks for reading this article on tps for new parents and I actually hope you take action on my advice.

I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.