How To Have Good Family Life: [20 Small Tips And Tricks]

If you have ever wondered: how to have a good family life, this article is for you.
Sometimes I believe of individuals who are blessed with everything: money, character, status, possessions, career, education, health-all but they feel empty inside themselves.
They are unhappy, they’re dissatisfied, and they’re dissatisfied and feel like they’re deprived for no reason.
I’ve all the time wondered about it and found my answer one day. I met John. He is an awesome painter from Australia with quite a lot of money and a shining career.
John has a fantastic big house near the seashore and everything else a normal person like me can only dream of.
My initial perception of him was that he would be very passionate, enjoying life all the time because he could buy anything. I met him one day. He was more like depressed and aggravated.
It was uncommon for me because I all the time saw him happy and smiling. My curiosity compelled me to ask it in the end.
“Why so worried?”
“Can I help you? May I know what happened?”
John said “Can I count on you?”
“Yes of course”
“I have everything-nothing yet. I am lacking the essence of family-relationships, dear”
I mark that day as the first time I learned about the importance of a family.
I never knew the value before and that I was so wrong and perhaps that is the reason my own relationship broke (because I devalued everything).
My family, my shell
After interacting with John, I learned the secret to happiness. He is disappointed that he has no family but why am I disappointed?
I have a family, I have relationships, I have a house. I’ve heard about the phenomenon of going home sick or going home but have never felt it the way I did at that time.
It was a new kind of revelation.
I helped John find his family after that and began figuring things out with mine too.
My family was never my shell, never my first precedence before, and never my first foothold before. You can think how devastated I was at that time.
However, I learned three cardinal rules from him.
1. Give first precedence to your family
The first and most significant mistake of all of us is not putting our family first.
Although, we say verbally that we stick with our family, love and look after them, but in times of need start prioritizing other things over our family.
For example, I was offered a job that required me to be away from my family for a long time. Being a professional I might say yes to that but will try to compensate for that time in other ways.
2. Become a tortoise shell for your family
Have you ever noticed a turtle feeling danger? What is he relying on?
It’s a shell, right.
Be like a tortoiseshell for your family so they can depend on you when needed.
The second rule that applies here is to be a wall of protection for your family like a tortoiseshell.
The more you protect your family in any way possible, the stronger your bond with them will be.
Remember this protection includes everything from physical protection to spiritual protection.
3. Own it
Take the example of the perfect family that puts one another first and works like a tortoiseshell but has no possessions. Do you think such a family could lead a better life?
No, because it’s a vital rule to have your family in any case. It does not matter how strange your spouse, kids or parents are. No matter how bad they’re, they’re yours and nobody else can replace them.
Finding Magic
John and that I have a common story in this regard. He had no family at all; while i have family but i never have them.
Before meeting him, my opinion and preference was to attain material success, reach a higher social status, make lots of money to seek happiness.
After meeting her, I discovered that the magic to true happiness does not need it at all.
My worries, dissatisfaction, problems and all problems revolve around one thing which isn’t having a powerful family connection because my main goal is to make money by any means.
For me, bringing money for the family can make us happy but that’s not true.
So, what to do?
Leave your family and begin living alone like John?
Encourage them to like and like money like me?
Ignore and ignore all of them?
No, this isn’t recommended. That’s because the first point makes you lonely, the second, healthy; while the third turns you into a greedy, disastrous creature.
Hence, none of these are well recognized and recommended for you because the real magic lies in strengthening bonds, discovering the real magic, and understanding the real secret to leading a better family life.
Many times I see people trying to find big words, philosophies, theories, etc to know about living an awesome family life.
Do you also expect the same in life?
Well, it is not because sometimes the biggest secret to spending life lies in the littlest things.
There is no philosophy involved in spending a better family life. There are just the little things that make a big difference. The funny thing is, I did not know that.
I used to look up hi-fi books, read philosophical thoughts to explore these meanings while being practical, and that I was zero. I’ve never tried little things to make my family life a big success.
Please do not repeat the mistakes I made.
Now let’s explore the things that allow us to be good members of the family to live a better life.
How to Have a Good Family Life
OK, it is your turn. Tell me what you think, is the title worth it? I mean, is that the right title in your opinion?
No, that’s not it. It was supposed to be “Working to Be a Good Family Member” but the reason for writing it was to capture the general perception of my beloved readers.
So, the point here is that as humans we are very used to taking rather than giving. Our family demands giving, not taking.
Therefore, rather than trying to be good members of the family, we should all try to be good members of the family, ourselves.
OK, now tell me what are you going to do to work on creating a good family? How to strengthen family relationships? How to fix it?
It is interesting to note here that being a keen researcher; I asked quite a lot of people and got pretty interesting answers like bringing those great gifts, celebrating birthdays, being friendly to everybody, etc. there are numerous small things we can do to be a good family but the best things will work out. yourself, do small things to prove that you’re a tremendous family member no matter senior, junior, young or small.
Do the best you can so that everybody will start owing you money. Expecting less and giving more is the real key to success in maintaining great family ties.
Do you need a surprise party?
Suppose there’s a couple who love one another but depend upon some special events or days like valentines or birthdays to celebrate and spend time together. Do they actually need it when they’re family?
We are all the time waiting for that one special occasion to be spent with our loved ones and what if that day never comes? For families, every day is a special day, every moment is precious to be captured.
So, do not wait for a special day, make every day very special when you’re with your members of the family. This makes life worth living.
In the end, my sincere advice to you is, “Get the Party Now”.
Let’s try some little tips and tricks to maintain a good family life.
1. Sincerely
Respect everybody (1), big or small. Psychology has proven that younger kids want to be treated with respect more.
And that’s a fact.
This is the top trick spending a better family life. Think about the times you clashed with your spouse, parents or kids. Where do they start?
Yes, it all starts with not respecting others. According to experts, clashes can be halved by half if either side start showing respect towards their opponent.
So, remember to respect your family in every way: their opinion, their views, and their opinion no matter what because clashes start from here.
2. Compromise
Suppose, you are three brothers in one family, two of you are clever; while one is slightly below average.
These two brilliant brothers made quite a lot of money, many friends, and had quite a lot of wealth.
However, the below-average siblings were poor, penniless, and without wealth. He also has bad traits.
Now tell me what will you two decide about him? Kick him out of your house? Slap him in the face? Make him feel like an alien in the entire house?
Unfortunately, it happens in this world because we lack compromise. We expect someone else to compromise just for us and the problems begin.
3. Love & Care
We all believe in love. Don’t we? But satirically we keep finding them from outside our shelters.
We go to a place from someplace in our research, we miss it every day and night but do not understand that nature has bestowed that gift. Your family is certainly your first and last love and loving him can only make life worth spending.
4. Sharing
It’s been said that sharing is caring, right? Yes, many of us say that yes, we do share a lot with our families. CORRECT.
However, the point I want to make here is to share everything from the smallest happiness to the biggest sorrow. It was because joy multiplied and sorrow faded after being shared.
Sometimes we feel like why to tell others what we feel or not. Not so when gathering in one family.
I had the same outlook then gradually, I started sharing small things with my members of the family and felt relieved and robust.
5. Mutual Help
Okay, let me show you two families: in family number one, there’s one woman who works alone in the kitchen in the snow while the others sit in warm and comfy blankets, all quietly doing what they please.
A little boy is trying to play with toys, a girl is doing homework alone, a boy is fiddling with his tools and an elderly man is coughing alone in his room.
Whereas in a family of two, there’s heavy snowfall and all the members of the family are sitting together: singing, working and helping one another.
Which situation is more interesting to you? Yes, certainly his second family.
6. Plan Together
Most people might disagree with me here and say why do we make plans together with the children?
Well, I still disagree because according to psychological research, kids are better planners. They own us more and feel our concerns more so their plans are all the time worth considering (even though amendments can be made).
Plan for even the smallest things that make your family feel great.
Try and do not forget to involve the member with whom you are in conflict because planning together helps to eliminate all differences.
Some planning ideas together could be planning trips, lunch/dinner or easy dinners, surprise parties, planting trees, cooking chicken, sunbathing on the roof, races, game competitions, window shopping, designing clothes and much more. Again.
7. Be Available
You know the most sickening trend these days is having all the members together at the same table, but not really being present.
It is a modern-day trauma even when members of the family become talkative to one another even when together, thanks to modern technology and gadgets.
We are all so engrossed in our smartphones, tablets and laptops that even our availability makes no difference in our homes. Don’t do it if you actually want to spend a better family life.
8. Ignoring Errors
As humans, we all make mistakes and blunders. We all have fallacies, we all make miscalculations. So as a member of an awesome family, ignoring your faults and mistakes is important if you want to be ignored for yours too.
9. Share sad and happy moments together
Being a family person, there are times when you really feel stressed or excited. Who do you share this stuff with?
Yes, obviously, your members of the family. It strengthens the relationship.
10. Mutual Trust
It is ironic to see that people, particularly young people, prefer to trust non-family rather than their own.
Why this happened?
It’s because we do not give them space to start trusting us. We expect others to believe us but never understand that it’s a two-way process and lies at the bottom of all relationships.
Why do we see relationships breaking up?
Just because we stopped trusting one another at first and then gradually, other problems started to arise. Don’t do it, try to trust your spouse, kids or other members living with you.
11. Troubleshooting
Always remember that creating problems is simpler than solving them. There are only two kinds of individuals in this world: those who prefer to create problems and others who solve them. So which category do you fall into?
This applies in family life in addition to in all families; there are people/people who enjoy making trouble for others and those who will solve it.
12. Often Cuddling
You may think how childish this topic is. See! Not that.
I also do not understand why people associate cuddling only with kids or partners? Why not with all members of the family?
Give this a try as it has magic in it. It creates a tremendous feeling of being linked together. Now the question arises, when to hug?
And this question raises another question, specifically: do you actually need the time or the moment to hug one another? No.
13. Swap Stories
Exchanging stories although is a really small thing but it works wonders in the family. One might wonder where to get daily stories?
It’s not, because all you must do is trade anything: events, incidents, affairs, episodes, or any events. My relationship improved through it (so, guaranteed success).
This is an awesome technique for bringing people closer and improving relationships.
14. Decorate your Haven
Have you noticed what unites a family? Place, right and what if heaven is no more? They will be separated, right?
So, why not take care of the place, decorate it, refurbish it, rearrange it every now and then. It won’t only improve the condition but also improve your relationship with all members of your family.
15. Fill the Communication Gap
Being a sociology student, I read about family issues in depth and found that major problems in families occur because of an absence of communication (rather precise communication) between members.
Don’t let there be communication gaps (2) destroy your family life. And the solution is talk, talk and talk.
Talk to your family about all the problems and be open to them. They are yours so there should be no formalities or rituals involved between members of the family.
16. Develop Understanding (Read Emotions)
Try developing an understanding with your members of the family as it’s the only thing that can save you from every kind of trouble and hence, is among the core items in our tricks.
17. Show Others you are one
Showing is never bad, you know. Sometimes it saves you from any trouble specifically. there isn’t any need to show negative feelings or things to others because it’s bad for them.
People take it as if your family does not stick together otherwise you have more disagreements than love which is never true.
The solution is straightforward. There’s no need to show that you disagree or disagree with one of your members of the family. Because, family is the main thing and nothing can replace it.
18. Say No to Discrimination
When I was little, my parents used to prefer my youngest daughter over me. I never liked it but used to get over it by consistently telling me it was fine and that nothing mattered.
However, deep inside I developed feelings of jealousy for him. I used to think that he was better than me that’s why my parents liked him more than me. I was never pleased then.
Don’t do it with any of your members, if you actually want to be called a “happy family” in the truest sense of the word.
19. Use nice names for one another
OK, I’ll offer you two options for your nick; tell me what do you want to be called? Dumb Head or Daisy?
You would certainly choose “Daisy”, right. That’s because humans are like that. They want to be called by taking a good name rather than a bad one.
So, recommend choosing charming nicks for your loved ones so that they feel really good about you.
20. Reception
Accepting a new entry in your family is very difficult. I can understand it.
When my brother married a foreign girl, I was depressed for so long. We are so different from one another but we became a family.
I can reject her as my brother’s wife.
What is the difference; after all, she is not my wife.
But to my brother’s happiness, we accepted him as a family member and today we are a happy family, we live together, share everything together and get along together and folks think of us as real sisters.
Thank you for reading this article on how to have a good family life and I actually hope you take my advice into action.
I wish you good luck and that I hope that its content has been a good help to you.