How to Learn a New Skills Quickly And Effectively: [5-Step Process]

If you are trying to find some strategies on how to learn a new skill quickly and effectively, then you will find it Love This article.
I recently had the opportunity to talk with my friends on the subject of how to learn a new skill fast, say in 21 days or less and how to master it in 3 months?
When people were asked, who managed to improve their skills in the last 6 months, only a handful of individuals raised their hands, maybe 2-3.
This is not only the case here, worldwide more than 99% of individuals live with whatever they learned during their education or they’ve been trained using their skills for years without improving them.
A minority of individuals keen to amass news skills try but get lost midway. Why did it occur?
The excellent news, this pattern can be broken. In this article we look at the 5 basic learning steps.
Once they’re followed in order, learning a new skill will not be a difficult or daunting task. We cover mastery in the next few steps.
5 basic steps to learn.
That’s all a person needs to adopt to make a big change in his life. The disclaimer is that he has to do it consistently and with total commitment. So let’s open up the 5 steps of learning.
How to Learn New Skills Fast
1. Know “WHY”
The first step is to know the participant’s “WHY”.
Why would someone want to amass a new skill? What are the attractive things or motives for acquiring a new skill? 90% of individuals do not have a good reason and so they do not pursue training strongly.
They either do not focus on the training or leave it midway or do not really utilize the skill. It is recommended that this first step should be answered by the participant.
2. Set goals.
After the reasons are clear and the reasons for acquiring the skills are convincing, the next step is to set goals for acquiring and practicing these skills.
Goals should at all times be SMART.
Whatever skill one chooses to amass must pass the SMART test (specific, measurable, action-based, realistic, time-bound). If it does not match, remove it from the learning list.
Set goals for
- Understanding skills,
- learn skills
- to apply skills.
For example, if you want to ride a bicycle, you must first know what the different parts of a bicycle are and their functions. This is the understanding phase.
Next is learning where one knows how to use it. He tried to use the brakes, accelerator, etc. The final phase is applying the skills in which he trains and starts driving the vehicle.
3. Create spare bandwidth by optimizing the current job.
This will give one time to learn a new skill. It may be as short as half an hour each day or as high as 4 hours each day.
4. Identify tools for acquiring skills.
It can be mentors, coaches, materials, guides, the internet, etc. The best way to learn a new skill is to learn it from someone who has already learned it and is nice at using it.
For example, if someone needs to find out how to design animated characters, learn from someone who is familiar with animation.
5. Get skills
“Perfect practice makes a perfect man.”
Break learning into sequential steps. After each step, grab the demo and try to do the step. Gather feedback and improvise.
After these 5 steps, the person is prepared to start using the skill. Within 24 hours of acquiring the skill, the person must start using it. The next 21 days he must use the skill every day. If a day is missed, the counter is reset to 0, starting over again.
There are also other elements that stop people from learning effectively. They:
A. Fear of failure or uncertainty.
This fear exists in everybody at some point in time. Successful people have learned to cope. How? One tip even if it does not fight fear, tune it. Being worked on.
B. Our old habits stop us from succeeding even after successfully learning a new skill.
For example if a person learns to ride a bicycle and now he has to ride a bicycle every day and he wakes up so late that he does not have time to ride it. The only solution is to replace old habits by forming new ones.
There are articles on how to develop habits because habits are hard to change.
Once a skill is acquired, use it, master it and transform it. Feel the joy of using skills. Teach others. This will make one’s learning permanent and also help one to learn. Celebrate success.
Questions you can ask yourself
If I’m stuck getting a new job, receiving a promotion, not having the ability to make enough money, being tricked by others, morale is low, what do I need to do based on these 5 steps to change my life?
What areas in my life am I able to touch and make phenomenal changes?
What reward will I receive after I make the change and how much will it cost? Am I ready to do it?
I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article on how to learn a new skill fast. I actually hope that its content has been of good help to you.