How To Reduce Stress Naturally: 20 The Easiest Ways To Try Right Now

Want to understand how to reduce stress naturally? Then you’re in the right place.
All of us have experienced stress at one time or another. Even although stress is such a common condition, it is difficult to define since each of us experience it differently. Specific indicators can range from mild to serious, generally you’ll notice changes to your emotions, mood and behavior. Long-term and short-term stressors can even take a physical toll on your body, including and mental problems.
They can even help cause and increase the likelihood of other common conditions like anxiety and depression. In today’s fast paced, multi-tasking environment virtually everybody experiences stressful conditions to varying degrees.
This short article will list for you twenty tips that are proven to reduce stress in our daily lives.
Because stress is so common in our day to day lives, it is necessary to have a number of “how to” strategies to reduce the negative reactions. Each strategy that’s listed is simple to practice and will be very beneficial to your emotional and physical well-being. It is claimed it takes on average about three weeks to create a new habit, so make sure to stick with the strategies for at least that amount of time.
Take back control of yourself by implementing the strategies that speak most directly to you. Start out by using one or two then add more over time. As you begin to pay more attention to when you feel stressed, incorporating more of the strategies or a combination of the strategies will become second nature.
It is a good idea to spend a few moments each day to identify the situations that could trigger stress. Although virtually any situation can be a trigger; common triggers are related to money, health, work, romantic relationships, or members of the family. Think about what particularly is stressful about the situation. Some issues like money, will be very concrete and simple to identify, a large and unforeseen bill is stressful or not having enough money to cover a regular expense, like groceries.
Other issues like relationships or between members of the family might be hard to identify and understand. Triggers in these situations could result from many various experiences over the years. As a first step, it’s most significant to just bear in mind of when you feel stressed. If you are aware of it, you can help control your reaction and reduce your stressful reaction.
Journaling is another great way to reduce stressful reactions and doesn’t must take a large time commitment. Writing down what specific instances triggered stress responses and a few notes on your feelings and reactions can help you identify trends over time. Many times reactions can occur in surprising situations.
One lady who tried this exercise was very surprised to find out that going to the airport was a trigger. Since she travelled repeatedly by plane for work, this was a big trigger. She had not been aware of it before she started journaling and she realised her reaction had to do with how her dad treated travelling when she was a child. He often tore through the airport at a frantic pace, became very short with her and made the whole experience very nasty. She was unconsciously responding just as she did as a child. Identifying the issue allowed her to choose how to react and try diverse stress-reducing strategies.
Creating a list will help you choose the strategy or combination that works the best for each trigger. Most of the hard work will be in creating your own list and revisiting it every now and then to see if it’s still relevant to you. Our lives are continuously changing, so some triggers will disappear on their own and new ones will arise.
Below you’ll find a list of twenty tips, utilizing them will help you reduce stressors in your daily life and respond in a healthy way anytime possible. Pick out the ones that interest you and write them down, you can build up your own list as and when you feel ready.
How To Reduce Stress Naturally:
1. Exercise, no matter how gentle is an incredible stress reliever.
Just going for an easy walk gets you out of your bubble and provides you a change of scenery. Exercise increases the flow of blood to your brain, which brings with it numerous benefits. People don’t just exercise to get fit, they exercise to relax.
2. Only consider one thing at a time.
Your mind can only deal with one thing without delay, so if you load it up with problem after problem you’ll definitely end up feeling stressed. If you feel you are faced with a large problem, break it down into smaller ones and deal with every one in turn. You won’t feel overwhelmed and this will help you to avoid feeling stressed.
3. Try to get up at least ten minutes earlier every morning.
If at the moment you skip breakfast, this should provide you with a few extra minutes to eat something or have a cup of tea or coffee. Also if you forgot something, you have a little more time to return and get it.
4. Don’t brood over the past.
The past has gone and we haven’t any way of redoing it, so just forget it. Set your mind to focus on the future, but never worry about your future. Your future is normally out of your hands.
5. Make an additional copy of your house key and car key and leave them with either a family friend or neighbour or even bury them in your garden.
If you then lose your keys, you’ll still have the ability to get into your house and drive your car.
6. Laughter is one of my favorite forms of stress management and that I feel it is essential to find the funny side of life.
Have a laugh with friends on a night out, watch a show on the T.V. don’t forget, laughter is free. Having a laugh with other people brings more laughter into your life which in turn gives us all its stress relieving benefits. Laughter takes away your focus from the “bad” for a period of time which is useful, and a good “harty” laugh gives your insides a work out and also relaxes your muscles. Laughter is essential.
7. Talk to other people around you.
Just simply talking to someone can relieve most of the stress from a problem. Don’t keep problems to yourself because they only build up and then you end up torturing yourself. Remember the old saying, “A problem shared is a problem halved”, how true this is.
8. Don’t eat your lunch at your work desk
Go someplace different for your break.
9. Learn how to meditate.
Go on the internet or get hold of a few books and read about the benefits of meditation. Meditation relaxes your physical body and also lets your inner mind rest. Regular meditation will make you more relaxed in your everyday life and it will help you to get through situations that used to stress you out.
10. Don’t drink too much.
Enjoy alcohol; there’s nothing wrong with a glass at the end of the day to help you wind down, but not the entire bottle!
11. Write notes for yourself.
Have a “to do” list and also a “have done” list. As the “have done” list grows, you’ll feel better about yourself.
12. Gardening is probably the greatest forms of stress relief.
You don’t need a large area, only a few pots or a window garden will do. Gardening will get you in touch with nature and that’s important, being outside in the sunlight and fresh air really does relax your mind. Then there’s the feeling of self satisfaction when your garden begins to grow and you reap its rich rewards. Gardening can be enjoyable and fun, even if you’re only sitting in it reading or listening to the radio.
13. It is essential to have a suitable night’s sleep.
Stress builds up in our lives because of our rushed lifestyles. We often sacrifice sleep for the sake of our work or social lives. Everybody has different sleep requirements and you know your own body. Give your own body enough time to rest and it will let go of the built up daily stress.
14. Reduce your caffeine intake.
Caffeine raises stress hormones so the more coffee you drink, the more stressed you may become. Try having a green tea instead. Green tea has the properties to reduce stress.
15. Know your priorities.
Don’t lose yourself in meaningless trivia, this only leads to stress. Keep in the front of your mind the things that are most significant to you and don’t allow the small everyday stresses to build up and block them from your view.
16. Don’t do something you might must lie about later.
The nagging feeling of guilt can make you anxious and wear you down.
17. Play games with your family or a group of friends.
Games are great stress relievers and if you enjoy them you’ll use them regularly.
18. Eat well.
Eating healthy food is not only good for the body it’s also good for the mind. Just knowing that you’re eating well makes you feel good mentally. When you have eaten a healthy meal you might feel that you want to give yourself a pat on the back, but we all understand how we feel an hour later after indulging in something we shouldn’t. Although one from time to time never did anyone any harm.
19. Be nice to someone.
Sneak an “I love you” note into your partner’s lunch box, or make a coffee for somebody in your office. Their smile and a thank you could change your bad day.
20. Don’t take everything too seriously.
Try to relax more in your everyday life.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to reduce stress naturally. I hope it inspires you to use some of the tips, or better still create your own list that will suit your own needs.