How To Say No Politely Without Feeling Guilty: 10 Smart Strategies

how to get out of awkward situations

This article has everything you need to know about how to say no politely.

You have the right to say no. There are so many reasons why we sometimes must say no and so many reasons why we do not and do not do them. Here are some steps to understanding why saying no is difficult and how to learn to say no without problems.

How to Say No Politely:

1. Know when to say no.

Two-year-olds are known to talk non-stop because they’re just realizing that this is feasible and the opportunities for independence that follow are fun and thrilling. Two-year-olds are also known to be egocentric and absent-minded. However, they tell us something: we can say no. What makes adult use no different is that we can learn when to use it.

Saying no simply because you do not want to do something is not serious, so long as what’s being asked does not affect your results at work or school. You may actually want to have more free time. You can even say no because you do not have time to commit to doing something. Other people often do not realize that making such a commitment would be very difficult for you because your schedule is too busy, other people know this and just ask if you’re, even although they know that you’re going to absolutely refuse.

It’s okay to say no to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable. You do not have to step out of your comfort zone to accommodate other people’s wishes (except maybe as an order-abiding soldier).

2. Learn why it is hard to say no.

There are many reasons why someone might have a hard time saying no to other people, but the common thread in these reasons is worry. Worried about what will occur if you say no. Worrying about the decisions you make is natural, but you should understand two things: first, worrying will not change anything that will occur after you make your choice; Second, worry shouldn’t stop you from acting in your best interest.

Whatever the reason you are afraid to say no, it stems from your worrying about what will occur next. Will people still respect you? Are you going to miss a crucial chance? Are you lazy, insensitive or incompetent? Realize that you cannot say no to worry, then accept that worry never leads to anything, no matter what the outcome of your actions may be.

3. Accept your strengths and interests.

As a puzzle piece, you are a vital part of your entourage, incomplete without you. This applies whether you go out continually with your friends or hide in the house all day. In fact, whoever you are, your presence in the social landscape is legitimate. In addition, the decisions you make affect your environment. This means that you and others must make honest decisions, for the great of all, so that people know whether or not your decision is worthwhile.

Worrying about what happens when you say no is a symptom of a deeper problem: worrying about the power you give to those around you. Realize that you hold that power no matter what you do or say.

4. Accept that it’s the same for others.

Although people vary in their personalities, opinions and attitudes, one thing we all have in common is our presence in our social circles. It is a fact intrinsic to living in human society. From there, controlling and channeling your own presence in a way that makes you happy is the only option that makes sense. It’s not as if you have an enormous, formidable reserve of influence that nobody else has: by saying no, you are just using the power that everybody has. The way people react to your decisions is their problem, not yours.

You are absolutely right to set boundaries. After all, your friends did and folks still appreciate it. In fact, telling and even imposing what you want won’t make you someone to be despised or despised. The only thing that can have this effect is openly treating others as if you were inferior. Saying no is not an expression of superiority, it’s an expression of mutual respect.

5. Understand that no is not cruel.

On its own, saying no is not being high-handed, mean, or insensitive. We attach this qualification to “no” when said in a mean or impolite way. There’s no reason why you cannot politely decline while still being friendly and polite. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid of being judged badly (1) because you say no, so long as you are aware of how you say it.

In other words, once you understand that you have the right to say no, you just must learn to say it politely.

6. Excuse me honestly.

The most basic way to say no without ruining someone’s day is to say no clearly and decisively and briefly explain the reason for your refusal. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to lie or make up excuses if you do not think your reasons are enough. Know that everybody has felt how you feel. If you do not want to receive queries, you do not need any additional reasons. You do not have to present specific, concrete, or logical reasons.

For example, if someone asks you out on a date and you are not interested, the perfect thing to do is say “no, sorry, you don’t like me that way.” This was all this person needed to know to understand that he would don’t have any luck afterwards. There is no need to make excuses to make this person hopeful, nor is there any need to be insulting or mean.

If your honest reasons seem stupid or practically non-existent, for example “I really want to go home and take a nap”, “I don’t want to”, the other person will understand them perfectly. As long as you are polite, that’s all you need to explain.

This is the technique you’ll try to use the most. Your honesty and frankness will really enhance your reputation, not damage it. If you have struggled in the past to say no to pressure from your friends, you’d be impressed how many people aren’t really bothered by the indisputable fact that you refuse to do anything with them because you “don’t feel like it.” .

7. Create a counter-proposal.

Sometimes you must say no for your own good, but that does not imply you are egocentric. Say you work all weekend, but a friend asks you to help them move into their new apartment on Saturday. If you want to take part, but you cannot, suggest another that you can follow. Offer to spend less time helping out or helping out with something similar when you have time, such as reassembling the kitchen or unpacking boxes.

These two counter-proposals are efforts in several forms. Use this when you really do not want to say no, but you must for reasons beyond your control. It’s also useful when you want to say no, but do not necessarily want to reject the whole proposal.

8. Suggest to try later.

In a situation where someone is trying to sell you goods or services, it is vital to understand how to manage your time and money without being shoddily polished by the vendor. Be clear and firm by saying no, but also promise to consider the offer. That might be a little bit of a lie, but it will not hurt anyone.

For example, to say no to a seller, tell him that “the offer isn’t what you were looking for” or “You don’t need it now, but you’ll remember the brand if you do need it in the future.” This is not an honest way to say no when you’re in a position of power and you are being asked to make a decision (for example, an employer being asked to hire someone or someone to whom a daring appointment is being proposed).

In this situation, it’s best to use basic techniques and be fully honest, as described above. It’s cruel to give false hope to someone who places so much hope in your decisions.

9. Be humble.

If someone wants you to take on more responsibility than you want to take on, be humble. Strictly refuse the request and make it clear that you don’t think you’re the right person to complete these tasks. You can then honestly offer your apology or continue to support the idea that you’re incompetent or unqualified to accept this request. The method you choose will rely on what you are asking for and your reputation for completing certain tasks.

If you do not want to take on more responsibility, just explain this honest reason.

If the proposal seems interesting to you, but you do not think you can answer it properly, focus on explaining your lack of qualifications. Don’t be too hard on yourself, do not feel unnecessary simply because you lack skills in a certain area.

10. Face problematic questions with firmness.

It’s better to be polite and courteous, but sometimes, no matter what you do, people do not appreciate your kindness (2). If someone keeps trying to undo your honest apology and asks you to explain when you don’t have anything else to add, it is time to kick your feet. The next time this person asks you to do something you do not want to do, say no I can not or no I do not want to. No need to add anything. When the person asks you to explain, ask him which part of the word he does not understand.

This ploy will absolutely have debilitating consequences for the person, but in the rare instances where you must, the person deserves to be put ahead of their behavior, for refusing to let you say impolite things beforehand. . It’s not easy to be assertive, but sometimes it is necessary for your own good.

That the person is mad at you does not imply you are no longer friends at all. However, use this technique only if the person does not seem to understand anything anymore.


  • Be positive and kind when you say no. It’s not that hard to do and it will convince people who you are not saying no because you have a problem with them as a person.
  • If you end up in a situation where it’s physically dangerous to say no, stay away and seek help from competent authorities as soon as possible. Use your common sense to be safe from physical attacks but take advantage of it as soon as you have the chance to help yourself. It does not matter who you are, there will all the time be someone to protect you and help keep you safe: friends, family, police, shelter, the list is long. Know their attractiveness.