How To Make Woman Addicted To You: [New In-Depth Guide]

how to forget someone you love deeply

If you want to understand how to get a girl hooked, you will love this article.

The very first thing to understand is that there are two very different phases with regards to relationships.

The apparent attraction phase where you just chat with a lady you find attractive and date her. Then obviously comes the relationship stage.

How To Get A Girl Addicted To You

So first you need to meet a lady and get chemistry between the two of you then relationship stages follow from this.

As long as everything goes smoothly at the attraction stage obviously. So, let’s start from the start. What makes women interested in certain men?

If you think it shows then you are wrong. Women are much more interested in personality than looks.

Of course being good looking helps when you first approach a lady but once you open your mouth she will base her opinion of you on your personality.

If you are confident and you make her laugh then she’ll like you even if you are not the most handsome man in the world, or even the most handsome man in the room.

The reason women are more interested in personality than looks is because women thrive on emotions.

Men are logical and we have about 4 emotions (okay, maybe a few more) so it is hard for us to understand this.

Women love feeling emotions and if you can make them feel something, whether it be happy because you made them laugh, inspired because you shared your creative talents or even sad because you told them a tragic story. they will respond to you and have an interest in you.

It’s not an instant process, you cannot just tell them a fast joke and make them give up. You must keep at it and gradually make them feel these emotions.

If you can get the whole range then even better. The more you talk to them and let your personality come out and make them feel something, the more interested they will be.

Think of a lady’s interest in you as a gauge rather than a switch that abruptly flips.

I believe this is a problem for lots of guys, they will talk to a girl and she will not seem too interested and they will just give up.

Well in fact it is because the dial is still pretty low, you must work on getting that dial up and up the level of interest. The first part is the hard part, but as the dial goes up it gets easier and easier.

So by approaching one girl and giving up within 2 minutes before moving on to the next one, you are in fact doing the toughest part again and again.

Of course if a girl tells you directly that she’s not interested otherwise you find out she’s just plain boring then by all means, move on to the next girl you find attractive and talk to her.

But if this is something you do repeatedly, try not to give up on it in the future.

So we need to increase that size by making him feel emotions and capitalizing on your personality.

Now the ideal way to do this isn’t just to tell lots of jokes so that she continues to feel happy all the time, you also do not have to tell lots of sad stories and make her feel down during your conversations.

All you must do is both, mix it up.

Women like to feel like they’re on an emotional roller coaster, with ups and downs. If you take your conversation from a few jokes and make him laugh to, “no, but in a serious tone” and then you tell him about how you volunteered at the animal shelter before getting back to more jokes, he’ll be enthralled by your conversation. .

You can even say things that offend women and get them to respond positively. It’s in fact quite common.

Offended will provoke emotion. It’s best to do this in a joking way so he does not take it too seriously.

Unless you choose the image of a brilliant confident cocky, which also works because it triggers emotions like anger and frustration mixed with happiness at the humor of the situation.

So you see, it is all about the emotional response. Looks cannot compare to that.

In fact, if a girl was ran into by a really handsome guy who bored her to death and an average looking guy came up to her and gave her an amazing conversation where she felt every kind of emotions, she would clearly do it. pick an interesting guy to talk to.

Make it join

Ok little bit of a strange subtitle name but it fits.

A great way of thinking about men and ladies is that single women are waiting on the docks and men are the boats. Most of the ladies on this wharf would rather go sailing someplace.

The thing is, these women have so many ships to pick from and all of them offer various things.

All boats look different but they will not just get on any random boat because it looks good, they will want to know where you’re going and get some information about the trip before they get on board.

They will seek adventure and excitement. If you are just planning to sail a bit up the coast and into a dark cave and then drop it back at the dock then it isn’t going to be very interesting no matter how nice the boat looks.

After all, many ladies do not want to be on a smelly old trawler that hasn’t been cleaned in a long time, even if it is on the world’s most exhilarating cruise.

So clean the boat as best you can, make it nice and tidy (wash). Then offer them the trip of a lifetime.

Women love boats that are thrilling, spontaneous, and even a little dangerous and risky. They also want to know that ships will guide them and keep them safe in rough seas.

Of course it is very nice to offer this, but you must offer him a ride and make him want to ride.

He was all the time cajoled by people who wanted to trick him into boarding their ship so they could take him back to their cave for the night.

Unfortunately, this makes your job much harder. He may have been conned into boarding one of these ships in the past and now he’s tired and does not believe in getting on another ship, even although he still wants to.

So when you meet a lady you want to go on a trip with, you must talk her through perfectly.

You must make him feel like by choosing your ship he will go on the greatest adventure of his life.

You do this by making him experience some of the emotions that you’ll give him on the way to give him a glimpse of things to come.

If you approach a girl and just say, “Hi, I’m Peter. I blog and I watch football” etc. He will be bored.

If you talk to women like that then you are thinking things on a logical level, whereas women tune in to the emotional level of the conversation.

You even have to be on an emotional level, so say things that will evoke an emotional response from him, not just the boring, “Where do you work? Where do you live?” question.

If you tell a girl about how you went to college or university and got a degree, you had a good job, you had a nice car, etc. Then on a logical level you can definitely present yourself as a great guy who has his life together.

Which is all well and good, women will still see it as a good thing. But is good really good enough? Not if you want him to see you as something special.

She’s a girl, she doesn’t want a boring guy every day. She wants excitement and romance, someone who can show her new things and get her swept up.

The emotional level of the conversation about how you manage your life with your regular job is almost flat line.

This is why the guys who walk in with crazy, arrogant, funny, or even insulting lines that will push the button and spark her interest will always do better than the typical guy asking if they can buy them a drink.


Once you have a girl interested in you and she has chosen your ship over the others because of the promise of excitement and something different, don’t do what all other guys do and let her down.

There are three main types of men, the number one guy will promise her the world and tell her how beautiful she is before taking her straight to his man cave and dropping her off again the next morning.

Guy number two honestly meant to keep his word, but after he had her on his ship for a while, he grew bored and couldn’t be bothered anymore. These two guys will lose girls over and over again.

To get a woman totally addicted to you, you have to be a number three guy. You have to fulfill the promise of joy and adventure.

I’m not saying you need to travel the world with him endlessly, but you do need to keep him on your toes.

Plan a fun spontaneous date once in a while (1). You have to challenge him to do things he’s never done before and take him places he’s never been. It’s all about new experiences.

Women love this. If you can give her a little extra effort and do things that most men don’t, then you’ll be her knight in shining armor compared to other men she’s dated.

This means he won’t want to risk losing you and he will be much happier and a better boyfriend to you as a result.

Now a very important part of this journey is getting him below deck to the captain’s quarters if you know what I mean.

This is something I will never forget when it comes to relationships because it is so important to make a woman happy and to make her totally addicted to you.

To keep a woman around in the long term, in addition to keeping her interested, you also need to give her some great sex. Everything leads back to the same point, emotion.

Women can experience very strong emotions easily during sex, they are much stronger than you might think. This is where they form a very deep emotional connection, which is the essence of love.

Being amazing in bed, really isn’t that hard. I think people put too much emphasis on technique and do crazy positions.

I’m not saying that those things don’t help because anything that spice things up when you’ve been with someone for a while is helpful but, what you really need to do if you want to be amazing in the bedroom is be considerate.

I say this because a lot of guys just want to get in there and have some fun before bed. These same people then wonder why their boyfriends don’t want to have sex with them all the time.

Unfortunately for us, women take longer to get into the zone and generally need sex to last for a fair amount of time before they really get a large amount of pleasure out of it.

Whereas with guys, we get to see a girl in her underwear and ready to go in seconds. It would be great if women were like this too, but this is not how it works, so consider and remember that it’s not just about what you want.

You should also remember that just because you’re in a relationship with a woman doesn’t mean she owes you sex or has to give it to you.

Many women will give a man sex even if they are not really feeling it just to please the man and make him happy.

But do you really want to have sex with someone just because they feel like they have to? Or do you want them to want you and want you?

If you consider a woman and make sure she’s satisfied before you settle it down yourself, not only will she feel incredibly lucky to have a man like you, but she’ll also be much more enthusiastic in the future if you catch my drift. So it’s really worth it.

So it’s too low to start with but the main problem is they don’t seem sure or even really care about it.

That’s just ridiculous! If they don’t even know, considering the fact that they’re probably exaggerating to make themselves sound better in bed, we can safely say that it’s probably the most.

I used to have a situation where I would sleep with a woman and she didn’t really seem to care much about having sex with me anymore.

I’ll think to myself, maybe he’s just super horny for once, or he’s a bit drunk so maybe that’s why he wants to do it and doesn’t want to anymore.

Well none of those things matter.

If you’ve had sex with a woman once and she doesn’t want to do it again and again, then you’re not doing it right.

After you have sex with a girl, you want her to come back every time, even if you don’t want to sleep with her anymore, you want her to come back so you know at least you did it right.

Own Your Own Life

So you have charmed him, you showed him a good time by taking his place and in his bedroom.

There is one more major factor that is vital to make women want you. You need to have your own life.

Women absolutely hate it when men need and depend on them. You have to be your own man and have things going on in your life that you’re not a part of. Especially if it is your job or profession.

This is because women like to see their man strong and confident, being a man and doing his best for himself in whatever he does.

This makes them feel like you are someone they can depend on and rely on. After all, if you can’t manage your own life properly, how can they trust you to be an influence on them?

If you rely too heavily on your boyfriend to help you out, he’ll start to see you as a bit of a loser frankly.

If he lends you money, or if he tells you how to do your job better than you can do it, then you need to change your ideas quickly because he will start to see you as a failure.

This process will make you seem like a real man in his eyes and he will lose faith in you. It’s okay to ask for his help once in a while.

For example, I used to have a physical products business and I had hundreds of items to ship, my boyfriend at the time would help me pack things.

This sort of thing is fine and he actually feels good about all these products I’m selling, because it makes him feel like I’m doing something worthwhile and successful.

However, I started letting him into the business and things got worse in our relationship because of it.

I need a photographer and a model for some of the items I’m selling. As sales increased, he started to think he was in charge because he was scouting models and doing photography for me.

So he sees himself basically doing most of my work for me and without him I wouldn’t be as successful.

This really caused a lot of tension and he started saying things during the argument like, “get a real job” and, “without me, you would not even have a business”. When before he was involved, I was fine without him.

This is just one example, but something like this happens all the time. It’s a very slippery slope. You need to separate some parts of your life, especially your professional life and be successful at something so he can see you’re not depending on him.

We live in a strange time where women are still held to the notion that men are the primary breadwinners and if they aren’t then they are not real men. But then women also want to work and earn the same wages as men.

This sometimes makes it difficult for us to keep our manhood intact. But even if you don’t earn much, it doesn’t matter as long as you are passionate about what you do.

Women like men who show passion (2). I had an ex who loved it when I watched football because I loved it so much I should have kept it up I know! But the point is, if you are really passionate about your job, then women love it.

Or even if you hate your job and only do it for the money, having a hobby that you really enjoy will be another aspect of your life that does not involve him.

Really, you just need to show him that everything you do is independent of him and you are still your own man. It’s really about having an unchanging direction through which it exists in your life.

They want to be happy with us for doing our own thing, they want to see our accomplishments and respect us for them. If they do not respect you then you have a real problem on your hands.

The number one way to lose a lady’s respect is to make her the center of your life. They absolutely hate it, which is funny because most ladies admit that they love having all of your attention.

But do not believe it. They may love it for a day or even months, but ultimately they will get bored and end up thinking you are weak and dependent on them.

So, a sense of direction in something you like will lead him to trust and depend on you.

Whether he admits it or not, he wants to let you take care of everything for him and he wants to know that you can take care of him if something goes wrong in his life.

If you do not give him this and you depend on him, you’ll make him the man in the relationship. I am unable to stress this enough, DO NOT make him the man in the relationship.

If you let him make all the decisions, or plan dates and customarily be a wet blanket around him, you are going to lose him.

The same goes if you are all the time asking to see him and are in need. This is a surefire way to turn a lady away from you and make her lose all respect for you.

Women like to ask us to give them attention and look at them a lot, but if we really do what they ask, we will turn them away from us.

So this can be difficult, but if you see him a lot and he asks to see you, you should say no from time to time and make him realize that he is not the only thing in your life.

That way he will see that you’re independent and not dependent on him.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article on how to get a lady addicted to you. I actually hope that its content has been of good help to you.