How To Overcome Boredom And Make Your Day Exciting: 6 Tips

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If you want to understand how to overcome boredom, you’ll love this article. One of the problems of this century is boredom. That feeling when everything just can’t make you stand up and you don’t have any desire to do anything because everything just looks boring and it really gets tiring doing those things.

Boredom has quite a lot of effects on your life, and even before you know it, it may destroy quite a lot of what you enjoy in life. Slowly, it can introduce into your life the static element of non-existentiality. Your wife starts to not kiss you when you come back from work; your kids don’t ask questions anymore because they see you with no energy; your friends will stop asking you out in town because you somehow in the last few months, weeks or years became a party destroyer.

Your boss won’t make friends with you and your colleagues will stop engaging in conversations with you because you are all negative and gray. These are the general effects of boredom. In other cases of boredom, it might be even worse or perhaps better.

In the next few pages, I will present a few steps on how to overcome boredom and why it causes it.

How To Overcome Boredom

1. Routine

is defined as a sequence of actions regularly followed. Every day you are doing the same things as yesterday, and even before you do some of them, you know what to expect from the next day, the day after, and so on.

Having a routine is not that bad, but like all things in life, what is too much becomes too bad, because no matter how good a routine can organise you or a program, you must not become dependent on that schedule or get stuck in a routine. This is our problem in this century because, these days, everybody looks for a more globalized order in society, which can become addictive and corosive to the spirit.

It depends on every human being to put away boredom and live their lives even in routine, because many people learn to adapt and they live an active life even if they do the same thing over and over, but they all the time find a new way to spend their day at work or at college or at anywhere they’re supposed to go or work.

2. Lack of interest

We live in an era of information, and everything is meant to be interesting; otherwise it’s useless to read or do things that aren’t interesting. When did we become so addicted to the idea of being interesting, and who gets to define interesting? The answer is, obviously, the media. In the last decades, we have been told what to wear, what to do, what to feel, what to love, what to hate, what is interesting, what is not interesting, who we should avoid, and so on.

If we take a person who grew up in this era of media and my grandfather, I will hear him say: “so what if they say that’s a sad topic, live your life and go swimming today, no matter what the others say about water or that swimming is not a thing today or anything they say”.

What got my attention from my grand father’s words aren’t his arguments about swimming; swimming is just a random example; but this phrase: “live your life”, and that’s what we should all the time do; live our lives and not others’, because if we all the time do what others say, it means we live how they want, and that’s not living your life, but theirs.

Getting to know yourself and what you want, and even people around you, will ultimately lead you to the conclusion that people all the time want and all the time will want to control other people.

In history you’ll see examples of quite a lot of people who tried other ways to control people, and these days it has gotten to the highest level. At first, people tried to control one another by power, physical power, but that kind of control is risky and temporary, and it doesn’t guarantee you that that person is controlled.

In time, people realised that if you want to control someone, you should control what he receives as a person, so they hid information from him, they told him, they even forced him to learn things, but that didn’t work so well, because one day, people started wars for information and freedom of self-opinion.

They changed the game in the last century. They gave quite a lot of information to people, so much information that they won’t have the ability to handle it. In this way, people will feel that they’ve everything they wanted and what they did after that was to prioritize information, make it look how they wanted it to look and quite a lot of people don’t verify information, don’t doubt it, take it as truth and they go on a dangerous path.

When people realise that they don’t want to live that kind of life that they were introduced to, they start to feel strange. Everything seems so pointless and they wonder why they’re doing what they’re doing. Sometimes they can’t stop and keep on doing those same things, but with no energy, with no cause, with no desire.

If you don’t want to get bored and realize after you graduate college and get a nice job that you don’t want to be a doctor, get yourself better informed of what you are, what you want, and who you are.

3. Physical causes

Maybe some of you’ll laugh at this one, but hear me out before you laugh, or perhaps even after you laugh:)).

When you are hungry, thirsty, sick, too hot, or too cold, your body enters into a state of protecting itself. This is why you don’t see quite a lot of sick people jumping around laughing out loud because of something. They are sick, and they’ll do those things after they get better.

In life, you should all the time take care of your body (1) and treat it as the Bible says, like a temple, because it’s not yours, it was given to you.

Taking care of yourself will make you a full-of-energy husband, brother, father, mother, and so on. Having breakfast will help you at lunch to have the most energy to take in your kids’ jokes and your wife’s question of why is the card broken again, but you know she did something to the car, but you have the energy to just smile, kiss her, and tell her that everything is going to be fine, because in the end, that’s what she wants to hear. She doesn’t want to see you coming and say, “the car is broken?” Again? “What did you do this time?”

Be a good husband and father, or mother, and HAVE BREAKFAST haha:)). It looks like I’m joking but, this is what I know about body health. I follow a program for my own, but I cannot explain it, so I won’t put it in here. I just think that everybody should look out for what’s best for him, in the angle of health, and then put it in motion, and that will make you a more content person.

4. Chaotic life

There are quite a lot of ways to live your life. You can choose to party your entire life or work your entire life.

In life, there’s one thing that everybody should look for, and that’s balance. Have balance in everything you do. Working too much, partying too much will put you in an addictive spin and when you wake up from that spin you’ll realise that you acted by automatic pilot, not even realising what you did. And even doing those things will lead you at a certain moment to an activity you do but you don’t see why or how. You just do it because you do it. There is no reason, there isn’t any light in your doings.

Having an organized and a good sense of what you are doing in life helps you be more active and more focused on what you are doing. Not doing the same thing over and over, switching from work to partying and from partying to reading and so on, you’ll realise that there are too many things in this world to be stuck in a single activity.

At that moment, you’ll be a curious person. You will want to try new things, and that’s good. This is why we are here; to try, to live, to experience new and old things, not to become a mechanic for the rest of our lives.

5. Staying in the same place

Staying in the same place for your life (2) or for most of it makes you a person who is shocked at how things never change. It makes your perspective limited, and limitations to our minds are very harmful in big doses.

Travelling is the perfect cure for this. You don’t need to go to Greece or to places too far away from your place, but don’t just stay there. Take a walk to that fascinating lake you heard about that’s near you. Go there, see the lake. Go to the sea once a year, watch the waves hitting the shore. Stare at other people walking and enjoying the water.

6. Yourself!

I put this last because this is the most difficult to approach. There are moments in your life when you become your own boredom. When you trip yourself.

The reason why we do this is unknown to most of us, because we don’t know ourselves.

When you fully know yourself well, you know why you have some reaction to what is going on around you and you understand how to deal with yourself, but when you don’t know who you are and what you are, you’ll start to see that your decisions aren’t making you happy, and what you do in life doesn’t get together with what you feel, or what you feel is not what you express, and you’ll get bored of what you’ll call “luck”, get bored of trying time and again to do things that you’ll see are just so hard to do, when in fact you aren’t getting together with yourself, you cant see that what you do harms you.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to overcome boredom. I sincerely hope its contents have been of good help to you.